[comp.windows.x] questions about HP widgets

rusty@GARNET.BERKELEY.EDU (10/07/88)

WorkSpace widget: I don't understand how it does redrawing when it is
uncovered (expose events).  I'm writing an HP toolkit front-end to
metafont and metafont is essentially a "black box" with stubs for
doing graphic output and I'm writing toolkit code to glue onto these
stubs.  The critical point to understand is that I can't use
XtMainLoop, so whenever metafont calls one of the drawing routines I
have them call my routine mf_x11_events which checks for any pending
events and deals with them:

static void
mf_x11_events() {
	XEvent event;

	while (XtPending()) {

Therefore, whenever metafont isn't calling any of the graphics output
routines no X events should be getting handled.  My test metafont file
draws a character and then does a "readstring" which is a metafont
primitive to read a string from standard input.  While readstring is
waiting for me to type something we're (stuck) in metafont and
mf_x11_events can't get called.  And yet if I pop up a window manager
menu over metafont's window the image does get redrawn.  Who is doing
the redrawing since I'm not?  On the other hand, the workspace widget
is inside of a ScrolledWindow widget, and its scroll bars don't
respond while readstring is waiting for me to type something.  It
seems as if the workspace widget is magically redrawing itself.

The 2nd question about the WorkSpace widget regards the best way to
update the widget.  I do my own "backing store".  The once-only set up
code creates a pixmap thusly:

	mf_pixmap = XCreatePixmap(mf_display, XtWindow(mf_wg_wspace),

My code scribbles directly on the workspace widget's window and also
on the pixmap (which is the same size):

	XDrawLine(mf_display, XtWindow(mf_wg_wspace), mf_gc,
		  col, (int) row, (int) (*tvect-1), (int) row);
	XDrawLine(mf_display, mf_pixmap, mf_gc,
		  col, (int) row, (int) (*tvect-1), (int) row);

(tvect, col, and row are coming from metafont.)

Then, when I get a resize or expose event I just set the pixmap as the

static void
mf_x11_expose(wg, client_data, call_data)
	Widget		wg;
	caddr_t		client_data;
	caddr_t		call_data;	/* unused */
	Arg		args[1];

	XtSetArg(args[0], XtNbackgroundPixmap, (Pixmap) client_data);
	XtSetValues(wg, args, 1);

This seems to be very fast.  On my slow-poke SUN 3/50 it's virtually
instantaneous.  It occured to me that perhaps this method isn't very
efficent (even though it is fast) so I tried doing a copy area:

static void
mf_x11_expose(wg, client_data, call_data)
	Widget		wg;
	caddr_t		client_data;
	caddr_t		call_data;
	XRectangle	rect;

	XClipBox((Region) call_data, &rect);
	XCopyArea(mf_display, (Pixmap) client_data, XtWindow(wg), mf_gc,
		  rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, rect.x, rect.y);

This is noticably slower.  Why is that?  What is setting the
backgroundPixmap doing that makes it faster?

ScrolledWindow widget: Is there any way to make it resizable?
If I put it inside a form widget or put a form widget inside it (or
both) it never gets resized when I resize the window that it is in.
Is there a way to make it resizable?