[comp.windows.x] books on x windows

mysore@bsu-cs.UUCP (Swamy Bale) (10/13/88)

Can anyone suggest how to get details about x windows.
Any books or magazine recommendation would be welcome.

please e-mail to


thank you


meo@stiatl.UUCP (Miles O'Neal) (10/13/88)

In article <4296@bsu-cs.UUCP> mysore@bsu-cs.UUCP (Swamy Bale) writes:
>Can anyone suggest how to get details about x windows.

_Unix Review_ has had several good overview & introductory articles on
X lately.

A book due out in early November is _Introduction to the X Window System_
by Oliver Jones (not the 1 from Bloom County). I have seen a late draft
of this and it looks good. It covers the same information as the papers
that come on the distribution tape, but in a much better manner. It is
methodical, seems accurate, and covers many topics in depth.