[comp.windows.x] ResizeRequest bug?

garfinke@hplabsb.UUCP (Dan Garfinkel) (11/01/88)

My application is trying to keep two windows the same size.  To do 
this, I'm catching the ResizeRequest event and calling XResizeWindow 
on both of the windows.  However, using the R2 server (and uwm) the 
size of the windows never change.  I'm getting the ResizeRequest event
but my XResizeWindow doesn't happen, it just generates another 
ResizeRequest.  Is this a known bug in R2?  And if so, is it fixed in

BTW, I crawled around in dix/window.c and it seems to be like it's not
checking if the resize is being done by the clients which has the 
ResizeRequestMask set.  It blindly goes and sends the ResizeRequest
event no matter what.

Dan (enquiring minds want to know) Garfinkel