[comp.windows.x] How do I draw over child windows ?

riches@ist.CO.UK (News reading a/c for riches) (10/26/88)

How should I do this in X ??

I want to animate a rubber band box on a window which has got other child
windows sitting on top of it.

The problem is: the rubber band gets clipped by the child windows
(not suprisingly). However, the window manager appears to be able
to get round this; when dragging/resizing windows the rubber box
goes nicely on the front of all the windows.

I've stared at the window manager source, but it hasn't helped a bit !!

I'd appreciate any light that can be thrown on the matter ... thanks.

Mark Riches.

klee@daisy.UUCP (Ken Lee) (11/01/88)

In article <376@istop.ist.CO.UK> riches@ist.CO.UK writes:
>The problem is: the rubber band gets clipped by the child windows

Specify IncludeInferiors in your drawing graphics context.  There are
some bugs with IncludeInferiors in XCopyArea and XPutImage, but it works
fine for line drawing.

Ken Lee
Daisy Systems Corp., Interactive Graphics Tools Dept.
uucp:  {ames!atari, ucbvax!sgi, pyramid, uunet}!daisy!klee
arpanet:  daisy!klee@sgi.com or daisy!klee@uunet.uu.net

I'm not a tourist, I was born in California.

jim@athsys.uucp (Jim Becker) (11/01/88)

From article <376@istop.ist.CO.UK>, by riches@ist.CO.UK (News reading a/c for riches):
> I want to animate a rubber band box on a window which has got other child
> windows sitting on top of it.
> Mark Riches.

	There is a field in the graphics context used while performing
the rendering that allows/disallows this. It is "subwindow_mode". To
set it so rendering will not be clipped in the child windows use the
"IncludeInferiors" flag for the mode, as follows:

	XGCValues	gcvalues;

	gcvalues.subwindow_mode         = IncludeInferiors;

	That lets you render on top of everything subordinate to your

-Jim Becker

Thanks for R3 guys at MIT! Maybe we XNetters can help them take a
break and try to pickup on some of the easy tech questions.. :-)> !!