[comp.windows.x] Survey

pa1293@sdcc15.ucsd.edu (pa1293) (11/05/88)


My name is Christian D. Turner and I am doing a survey with two other
people in my Cognitive engineering class.  Is anyone out there with
the Microsoft windows application called EmSAVE on the IBM PC?  This
works over the NOVELL system.  If there are any users out there, can
you please answer a couple of questions for me?

1. What do you like about EmSAVE?

2. What do you dislike about EmSAVE?

3. May I contact you in person?  Leave phone number.....

Thankyou very much for your time.  EmSAVE is copywrited by EMERALD
SYSTEMS in San Diego CA.

My mail path is:  pa1293@sdcc15.ucsd.edu


Thanks, and if you want a copy of the results, after they are