[comp.windows.x] SUN hardware pan and zoom?

bierma@NPRDC.ARPA (Larry Bierma) (11/16/88)

The October 1988 Software Technical Bulletin has a section summarizing
the SUN color frame buffers.  It states that the CG2 frame buffer has
full screen pan and zoom hardware.  Does anyone know whether the CG3
and CG5 frame buffers have hardware pan and zoom?  If they do how
does one tell the frame buffer to pan and zoom?  I haven't been able
to find any refferences to panning and zooming in TFM.


--Larry         ARPA: bierma@nprdc.mil
                UUCP: ucsd!nprdc!bierma
                PSTN: (619) 553-7915

david@sun.uucp (David DiGiacomo) (11/16/88)

In article <8811151901.AA07614@nprdc.arpa> bierma@nprdc.arpa writes:
>The October 1988 Software Technical Bulletin has a section summarizing
>the SUN color frame buffers.  It states that the CG2 frame buffer has
>full screen pan and zoom hardware.  Does anyone know whether the CG3
>and CG5 frame buffers have hardware pan and zoom?

I know, and the answer is "No, they don't".

P.S. It's "Sun", not "SUN".

P.P.S. Why is this in comp.windows.x?