[comp.windows.x] R3 fix #2 available from expo.lcs.mit.edu

rws@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Bob Scheifler) (11/19/88)

Patch #2 for Release 3 is now available from expo.lcs.mit.edu via anonymous FTP
and from the xstuff archive server on expo.  In particular, this patch provides
a Secure Keyboard mode for xterm (to avoid having typed passwords be stolen
when operating in an unsecure environment), and some security fixes for xdm.
It is IMPORTANT that site maintainers get this code and install it, and let
their users know about the new xterm feature (documented in the man page).

Via FTP, get the file /pub/R3/fixes/fix2.  To get this fix from the xstuff
server, send an email message as follows:

	%  mail xstuff@expo.lcs.mit.edu
	Subject:  send fixes 2
	path emailpathtoyoufromexpo

The "emailpathtoyoufromexpo" should be a domain or UUCP style email address.
See your site administrator for details.

					Bob Scheifler
					MIT X Consortium

vixie@decwrl.dec.com (Paul Vixie) (11/19/88)

Gatekeeper.dec.com [] has it also, in ~ftp/pub/X.V11r3/fixes/fix2.
UUCP neighbors of "decwrl" can get it in decwrl!~/pub/X.V11R3/fixes/fix2.
Paul Vixie
Work:    vixie@decwrl.dec.com    decwrl!vixie    +1 415 853 6600
Play:    paul@vixie.sf.ca.us     vixie!paul      +1 415 864 7013