[comp.windows.x] font width problems with R3?

jeff@stormy.atmos.washington.edu (Jeff L. Bowden) (11/21/88)

In article <JEFF.88Nov10120817@lorrie.atmos.washington.edu> jeff@lorrie.atmos.washington.edu (Jeff Bowden) writes:
<The xtrek released with R3 loses big when run on the R3 server (works just
>dandy on R2).  The game is playable but many of the text displays are in
<the wrong place and/or cut off.  It looks like the font width calculations
>are off.  Anyone have a fix?
>(Note:  I made a font.dir file in contrib/fonts/bdf/oldx11 and added it
<to my font path (this was necessary just to make it work)).

I posted the above a week or two ago with distribution "comp" and haven't seen
any response so I am reposting it.

Note also that I re-made everything with the R3 libraries and headers and it
still does the same thing (i.e. bad text displays on R3 servers and full
functionality on R2 servers)

jeff@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (Skippy The Wonder Hacker) (11/22/88)

	I will be posting patches to xtrek for R3 in a day or two.  The work
	is done, I just have to get it tested.

		Jeff Weinstein