converse@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Donna Converse) (12/02/88)
T H E 3 R D A N N U A L X T E C H N I C A L C O N F E R E N C E -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 3rd annual Technical Conference on the X Window System will be held January 23-25 at MIT. The conference is sponsored by the MIT X Consortium. The purpose of the conference is to present and discuss leading edge research and development in the X environment from both academia and industry. The conference will consist of tutorials, presentations, and "Birds of a Feather" sessions for general discussion of specific areas of interest. There will be no "trade show" attached to this conference. The conference will be free, but registration is *required* in order to attend tutorials and presentations. All tutorials will be held Monday, January 23, with presentations on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 24-25. ~ T U T O R I A L P R O G R A M ~ ---------------------------------- Monday Morning Monday Afternoon -------------- ---------------- InterViews part 1 InterViews part 2 Xlib part 1 Xlib part 2 Andrew Toolkit part 1 Andrew Toolkit part 2 Display PostScript part 1 Display PostScript part 2 Using Widgets (novice) Writing Widgets (novice) Writing Widgets (advanced) ------- Programming User Interfaces in C++ with InterViews Paul Calder, Stanford University In this tutorial we describe InterViews, a C++ toolkit for X that we have developed at Stanford. InterViews provides a true object-oriented programming interface that supports the composition of interactive objects (such as scroll bars and menus), text objects (such as words and whitespace), and graphics objects (such as circles and polygons). After a quick introduction to C++ and InterViews basics, we will present three applications: a dialog box built from interactive objects, a simple drawing editor using a hierarchy of graphical objects, and a simple editor using a hierarchy of text objects. The morning session will cover C++, InterViews basics, and a simple application. Attendees should be familiar with C, X, and object-oriented programming concepts. Familiarity with C++ would be helpful, but is not required. The afternoon session will cover graphics and text applications in detail. Attendees who are not at the morning session should be familiar with C++ and basic InterViews concepts. ------- Introduction to Programming the X Window System, Version 11 Oliver Jones, Apollo Computer, Inc. The proposed tutorial is at the Beginning level. The X Window System is a complex and comprehensive software package for controlling workstations. Programmers, even those expert in computer graphics, must go up a substantial learning curve in order to understand the issues and techniques involved in designing and implementing application software to run on X Workstations. This Beginning-level tutorial assumes no prior knowledge of X, and is intended to shorten that learning curve. This tutorial is for technical professionals who are unfamiliar with Version 11 of the X Window System. People preparing to design and develop application software to run under X will find this tutorial especially useful. Attendees should be generally familiar with graphics workstation technology and networks. In addition, attendees should be experienced with the C programming language. The purpose of this tutorial is to help turn X novices into reasonably competent developers of X Window System application software. The tutorial addresses Xlib, the C language interface to X. By covering low level X requests, the tutorial lays the conceptual foundation for understanding and applying the various high-level human interface toolkits and user interface management systems available as layers on X. ------- The Andrew Toolkit (ATK): An Introduction Andrew J. Paley and Nathaniel S. Borenstein, Carnegie Mellon University This tutorial is intended for experienced C programmers who know nothing about programming with the Andrew Toolkit. Some familiarity with the concepts of object-oriented programming would be helpful, but is not required. The tutorial will explain enough about the ATK to allow such people to begin serious application development using the ATK, if they are so inclined. Those with prior experience with the ATK are welcome to attend, but should not expect extended discussion of advanced or esoteric ATK features at this tutorial. The Andrew Toolkit is a powerful set of tools for building complex user interface programs in a window-system independent manner. Besides providing many basic building blocks for such interfaces, the ATK also provides substantial facilities for object-oriented programming, which greatly simplify the process of constructing new interfaces. However, these facilities require the programmer to approach his programs in ways that may not be familiar to most C programmers. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the Andrew Toolkit. The primary emphasis will be on thinking like an ATK programmer. Within this conceptual framework, we will then study the various components, or building blocks, that the ATK offers, and how they may be put together to form complex applications. ------- Display PostScript Adam Stock and Kim Stickney, Adobe Systems The Display PostScript System(TM) is a graphics programming environment for interactive displays based on the PostScript(R) programming language. A Display PostScript extension to X is being developed jointly by Adobe Systems and Digital Equipment Corporation under the DECwindows(TM) program. The PostScript language offers the developer a device and resolution independent imaging model for addressing both color and black and white displays and output devices. It offers the end-user the same imaging model on displays that is a standard on laser printers and typesetters for true WYSIWYG compatability. This tutorial will cover what the application programmer needs to know to write to the Display PostScript System. The issues include the Display PostScript extensions, the client library interface, and pswrap, a PostScript to C preprocessor. PostScript is the registered trademark of Adobe Systems. Display PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems. DECwindows is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation. ------- Using Widgets Dany S. Guindi, SERC Georgia Institute of Technology This tutorial will attempt to teach the experienced C programmer how to glue together some of the existing widgets so as to create a user interface to an application. It will be necessary to explore both the intrinsics as well as the different widget sets available. The tutorial will use the Athena Widget set for examples, but will also try to cover small examples from other widget sets. This tutorial differs from the "Writing Widgets" tutorial in that we will NOT attempt to explain how to expand the widget set nor how to slightly modify existing widgets! ------- Writing Widgets (novice) Paul Asente, DEC Western Software Lab This is an introduction to the Xt toolkit Intrinsics for would-be widget writers. We will go over complete implementations of three simple widgets, label, pushbutton, and box, a simple composite widget. Classing, subclassing, inheritance, resources, and introductory translation management will be covered. Prerequisite: a basic familiarity with X11 and Xlib. ------- Writing Widgets (advanced) Ralph Swick and Mark Ackerman, MIT Project Athena This covers more advanced topics in the Xt toolkit Intrinsics for widget writers. We will cover geometry management, constrained composite widgets, resource converters, subresources, and advanced event handling. Prerequisite: an understanding equivalent to that gained in the novice class. ~ P R E S E N T A T I O N S ~ ------------------------- Presentations will be held January 24 and 25 and will be announced in a few weeks; registrants will receive a schedule by electronic mail. ~ B I R D S O F A F E A T H E R ~ ----------------------------------- If you are interested in sponsoring or co-sponsoring one of these BOFs, send email to Core Component Widgets Window Managers, ICCCM, Session Managers X3D (PEX) HVC Color Scheme Image Processing XUG (X User Groups and Archive Sites) Documenting X Applications End-User Applications UIMS Specification Languages & Tools for X based user interfaces Xt-based Toolkits topics CLX & CLUE & CLOS (sponsor needed) X & PCs (sponsor needed) Video (applications and server extensions) (sponsor needed) X & Ada (sponsor needed) Server Implementors (sponsor needed) ~ A C C O M M O D A T I O N S ~ --------------------------- Each person is responsible for making their own arrangements (this includes cancellations) and will be billed directly by the hotel. Each individual should TELEPHONE THE HOTEL DIRECTLY and identify themselves as being part of the X WINDOW CONFERENCE*. ( Contacting the Hotels through the reservation telephone numbers listed below will allow you to obtain the proper conference group rate.) NOTE: The hotels are listed in order of proximity to MIT's Kresge Auditorium. Kresge is the primary Conference building. LAST DATE RESERVATIONS HOTEL DISTANCE RATE ACCEPTED -------------------------- -------------------- ----------- ------------ HYATT REGENCY 10 min walk to Kresge Single/ JAN. 2 575 Memorial Dr Free shuttle service Double $95 Cambridge, MA to Kresge 617-492-1234 extension 201 PARKING: $8/night Facilities at the Hyatt include a 75ft pool, health club, Jonah's Seafood Restaurant, and Sally Lings Chinese Resaurant. BOSTON MARRIOTT/CAMBRIDGE 15 min walk thru Single $95 JAN. 8 Two Cambridge Center campus to Kresge Double $105 Cambridge, MA 800-228-9290 617-494-6600 PARKING: $10/night ROYAL SONESTA* 25-30 min walk to Single/ JAN. 3 5 Cambridge Pkwy Kresge. Free shuttle Double $95 Cambridge, MA service to Kresge 617-491-3600 *When reserving a room at the Royal Sonesta, state that you are reserving under the conference block number (or group code) G7047 . NOTE: Reservations made AFTER the "LAST DATE RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED" dates listed above will be handled on a space and rate available basis. ~ C O N F E R E N C E R E G I S T R A T I O N ~ --------------------------------------------- Register FOR THE CONFERENCE by returning a completed registration form (See registration form below). Registration received without the required information or sent to the wrong address has a high probability of being completely ignored. Registration will be on a first-come-first-serve basis; if we cannot accommodate your request, you will be informed as soon as possible. RECEIPT WILL BE ACKNOWLEDGED within two weeks. We would PREFER you to register for the conference via the network address: If necessary, one can register by sending a completed copy of the registration form to our postal address: Michelle Leger MIT Laboratory for Computer Science 545 Technology Square, Rm 217 Cambridge, MA 02139 or by sending a copy to our FAX# (617-258-8682). PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT US AT ANY OF THESE REGISTRATION ADDRESSES FOR ACCOMMODATION RESERVATIONS. (see the accommodation listings above for the proper hotel reservation telephone numbers.) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX --------cut here------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd Annual X Technical Conference Registration Form send to Name: Network address: Tutorials: Postal Address: Telephone: Top 3 BOF choices: