[comp.windows.x] tracking down events

cquenel@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (Chris (Gravity's Angel) Quenelle) (12/04/88)

I have a question as someone whose experience is mostly
with using Athena Widgets and the MIT XToolkit.
I have an application where I need to generate Popup
menus on the fly.  The contributed MenuBox widget on the
Release 3 tape works perfectly except that when I pop up a
menu, the selections in it don't select.

If I create menus before realizing the top-level-shell,
they work fine.

I was wondering if anyone could give me a few hints about
where to dig into this from the perspective of the toolkit.

I know the basics about translation-tables and action-tables,
but I can't think of what else to do.

Is there anyway I can (at run-time) look at what translations and actions
are attached to a widget ?

Does this make any sense :-)


Never hit a man with glasses.  Hit him with a baseball bat.
| Chris Quenelle            | Smart Mailers -> cquenel@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU    |
| Computer Systems Lab      | Dumb Mailers  -> !ucbvax!voder!polyslo!cquenel  |
| Cal Poly State Univ.      |-------------------------------------------------|
| San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 |  My computer can beat up your computer. - Karl  |

swick@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Ralph R. Swick) (12/05/88)

     Date:  4 Dec 88 06:43:18 GMT
     From:  cs.utexas.edu!sm.unisys.com!csun!polyslo!cquenel@ohio-state.arpa  (
    Chris (Gravity's Angel) Quenelle)

     I have an application where I need to generate Popup
     menus on the fly.  The contributed MenuBox widget on the
     Release 3 tape works perfectly except that when I pop up a
     menu, the selections in it don't select.

     If I create menus before realizing the top-level-shell,
     they work fine.

Sounds like a bug, probably in MenuBox, but if you'll send us some
code to reproduce the problem we'll have a look.