[comp.windows.x] Request for help with CLX and Apollo

temin@software.ORG (Aaron Temin) (12/06/88)

Help! I'm trying to get CLX running on an Apollo DN3000.
It *seems* like it ought to work, but Hello-World can't 
connect to the server.  I've run the C file to do the connection
"by hand" and it seems to work fine.  Some details follow.
Would some kind soul be able to help me out? Any assistance
or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Aaron Temin                       csnet: temin@software.org
Software Productivity Consortium
1880 Campus Commons Drive, North
Reston, VA  22091                 arpanet: temin%software.org@relay.cs.net
Apollo DN3000, SR 9.7
R2 server, R2 clx (w/ minor mods to make it load)
Loaded and run from default package (USER)
  > (hello-world "temin")
  >>Error: OPEN-DISPLAY has no global function definition

Change to package XLIB, load hello.lisp
 > (hello-world "temin") 
 >>Error: The function CONNECT_TO_SERVER is undefined

Load R3 clx from tape (without any patches)
Load from package USER
 > (load "defsystem")
 > (load-clx)
 >>Error: GET-PUT-ITEMS has no global function definition

    Required arg 0 (S): GET-PUT-ITEMS

 :A    Abort to Lisp Top Level
 :C    Try evaluating #'GET-PUT-ITEMS again

I think I got around this same error with version 2, but it 
shouldn't happen, should it?
Aaron Temin                       csnet: temin@software.org
Software Productivity Consortium
1880 Campus Commons Drive, North
Reston, VA  22091                 arpanet: temin%software.org@relay.cs.net