[comp.windows.x] X11 on VS100 Info Request

roland@AI.CEL.FMC.COM (12/21/88)

I read your inquiry on Xpert many months ago and have tried to contact you
many times since then...

I also have a VS100 (maybe there should be a registry?) that used
to run under VMS.  I've been monitioring the X stuff to see if it's worthwhile
trying to bring it up on an Ultrix VAX we have here.  I'm just a user so
I'll need some references to convince the support staff it won't cause the
system to crash and burn.

I've got the tar tape MIT told you about but haven't been able to figure
out where the patches are (or even if you've posted them as you said you
would).  I'd like to know if you've gotten the VS100 working and any
advice you can offer to help me bring ours up.


David Roland, FMC Central Eng Labs, Santa Clara (408) 289-3825