rws@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Bob Scheifler) (12/30/88)
[One more time, in case the network ate it somewhere.] T H E 3 R D A N N U A L X T E C H N I C A L C O N F E R E N C E -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 3rd annual Technical Conference on the X Window System will be held January 23-25 at MIT. The conference is sponsored by the MIT X Consortium. The purpose of the conference is to present and discuss leading edge research and development in the X environment from both academia and industry. The conference will consist of tutorials, presentations, and "Birds of a Feather" sessions for general discussion of specific areas of interest. There will be no "trade show" attached to this conference. The conference will be free, but registration is *required* in order to attend tutorials and presentations. All tutorials will be held Monday, January 23, with presentations on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 24-25. ~ P R E S E N T A T I O N S ~ ------------------------- Tuesday, January 24 ----------------------------------------------- The Care and Feeding of Overlay Planes - A Religious Battle Karen Bircsak, Sam Black, Ray Tice Concurrent Computer Corporation There has been much discussion of late in the X community on how to deal with graphics devices that have independent overlay planes. The two solutions that have been proposed have been to treat them as another visual, or to treat them as another screen. This paper will attempt to discuss the pros and cons of each method, and arrive at a solution that can become the standard way of dealing with overlay planes. ----------------------------------------------- Interactive Software Tools using X Widgets Doug Blewett, Ken Hicks, Dat Nguyen AT&T Bell Laboratories The Kernighan and Plauger books on constructing software tools encouraged developers to think of programs in terms of filters. Using a collection of filter programs a developer can quickly construct new applications. Applications constructed in this manner exhibit a high level of software reuse and the construction can be done interactively. We describe how we have applied the software tools philosophy to writing X widget applications. Our examples include widgets manipulating color scanned images. ---------------------------------------------- The Inter-Client Communications Conventions Manual David Rosenthal, Sun Microsystems At the last X conference the Inter-Client Communications Conventions Manual, which describes how to write clients that co-exist gracefully with others sharing the same server, was introduced. In the year since then the draft that went out with R2 has undergone an extensive and detailed review process under the auspices of the Consortium. A new draft, with many changes, is being released for public review. It will be introduced, and the rationale for the changes provided. ---------------------------------------------- Automatic Construction of User-Interface Displays Paul Raveling, Larry Miller, and Yigal Arens USC/Information Sciences Institute Construction of user interfaces for most computer applications remains time consuming and difficult. This is particularly true when the user interface system must dynamically create displays integrating the use of several interface modes. The paper shows how artificial intelligence knowledge base and rule technology can be used to address this problem, and the presentation will include a discussion of X-related issues in presentation planning and multi-modal input. ---------------------------------------------- Why X is Not Our Ideal Window System Joel McCormack, Hania Gajewska, Mark S. Manasse, DEC WSL We come to praise X, not to bury it, but the lack of perfection in some points in the X11 protocol is plainly intolerable. We hope to encourage progress and reinterpretation in some areas in order to establish a more perfect server. We will present several instances of shortcomings and awkwardnesses, including such problem areas as: unsigned versus signed Dimensions, missing unviewability events, events without timestamps, events without cursor positions, input focus redirection, border and background inspection, inconsistencies in treatment of borders, race conditions not cured by timestamps. ---------------------------------------------- The Tektronix HVC (Hue-Value-Chroma) Color Model Bob Toole, Al Tabayoyon, and Joann Taylor, Tektronix Tektronix HVC is a device independent color space based on human color perception and the principles of CIE color spaces. Its properties facilitate precise color matching between CRT displays and other devices, such as printers, and color selection and definition. This presentation will show how this color model can be incorporated into X to supplement the current device dependent RGB color model. ---------------------------------------------- X Terminal Issues Dave Bundy or Mike Braca, Visual Technology, Inc. - Booting vs. ROM-based server - Initial connection - Font access - Limited memory constraints - Local clients - Server extensions - Serial line communications - Benchmarking - Network loading The object will be to lay out all the issues involved, as opposed to presenting specific solutions. ---------------------------------------------- The Graph Widget Set Gabe Beged-Dov, Software Productivity Consortium The Graph Widget Set (GWS) is a set of R2 Intrinsics-based widgets that support the display and editing of directed graphs. The current use of the GWS is in the construction of interactive graph editors in the CASE domain. The current editors are an Ada-oriented design tool and a stochastic Petri editor. Both these editors are part of a larger CASE toolset being developed by the Software Productivity Consortium. ---------------------------------------------- Display PostScript and X Susan Angebranndt, Phil Karlton, and Terry Weissman, Digital Equipment Company Jim Sandman, Ramin Betash and Ivor Durham Adobe System Inc. This talk will describe the design and implementation of the Display PostScript extension based on X11. Designing an extension involves deciding on a wire protocol plus the appropriate DIX and DDX interfaces. It also requires determining the relationship of the extension resources to X resources. We'll discuss the trade-offs made in the wire protocol and server implementation. We'll show a video tape of a version running almost completely on the sample server's DDX interface layer. ---------------------------------------------- PEX (PHIGS/PHIGS+ Extension for X) Marty Hess, Sun Microsystems, Inc. Dr. Spencer Thomas, University of Michigan Dr. Spencer Thomas will speak on the work that was done for a SIGGRAPH '88 demonstration of PEX: During the summer of 1988, a demonstration implementation of PEX was produced and shown at the SIGGRAPH '88 vendor exhibition. The implementation is described, illustrating solutions to some problems induced by interoperability and portability requirements, and by the extreme potential variability in the data presented by the client program. The demonstration was successful, and the results are available on the X V11R3 release tape. Marty Hess will give a report on the current status of PEX and discuss the PEX Sample Implementation Activity: An update on the status of PEX will be given. Details about the recently started activity to provide a sample implementation of PEX will be covered. Items that will be covered include a review of the results of the PEX Sample Implementation (PEX-SI) activity to date, a description of the planned contents and architecture of the SI, common terms used to describe PEX and the SI, and a schedule of when and how the sample implementation will be made available. ---------------------------------------------- Wednesday, January 25 ---------------------------------------------- Kee Hinckley, Open Software Foundation OSF will present a technical overview of its initial User Environment Component Offering. ---------------------------------------------- Implementation of an Experimental Data Visualization System Martin Schedlbauer, Marian Williams, Georges Grinstein Graphics Research Lab, Dept. of CS, Univ. of Lowell We will describe a novel technique for visualizing multi-dimensional data and report on the applicability of the X Window System in implementing a highly interactive experimental visualization environment. ---------------------------------------------- The View2 Toolkit Thomas W. R. Jacobs, Sun Microsystems The View2 Toolkit is an object-oriented user interface toolkit designed for the X Window System version 11 (X11). View2 is based upon a mature toolkit named SunView. View2 was redesigned and extended to take advantage of the features that a networked window-system offers, while still maintaining the flavor of SunView, and much of its Application Programmer's Interface (API). It was also transformed to provide the OPEN LOOK Graphical User Interface. Additionally, View2 is portable across many versions of the UNIX operating-system. ---------------------------------------------- AT&T's OPEN LOOK Widget Set, The Story Behind its Development Marcel Meth, AT&T Bell Laboratories AT&T has developed an Xt Based Widget set which supports the OPEN LOOK Graphical User Interface (GUI). The development of the OPEN LOOK Widget Set presented a unique set of challenges. We needed to provide a toolkit that would support the OPEN LOOK GUI, as well as providing a simple to use Application Programmer Interface (API). Furthermore, we had decided to implement the toolkit totally within the Xt framework. The goals behind our design were threefold, first the widget classes had to provide high level functionality, second they had to provide application writers with a simple and uniform way to create and manipulate widget instances, and finally they had to work with the standard version of the intrinsics. The challenge behind this task was to keep the three goals aligned as development progressed, and to periodically step back from the design and revisit the design as well as the implementation. Several examples of these design and implementation decisions will be the focus of this talk. The talk will also focus on performance improvements that were needed. ---------------------------------------------- Implementation of an X server on a pipelined display architecture Michael Toy, Silicon Graphics, Inc. I. Very brief overview of SGI Display Architecture and X implementation. II. Critique of SGI X Server III. Analysis of common operations which do poorly on SGI machines IV. How to do these things fast on an SGI machine. IV. Proposed extensions for describing common operations at a high level ---------------------------------------------- tV - A Network Transparent System for Interconnecting and Controlling Video Devices in Real Time Darren Leigh, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories Window systems, such as X, have enabled us to develop text and graphical applications that are transparent to networked environments. As video technology becomes increasingly available in the computing environment, we are going to see more applications which merge graphics and text with real-time video. Previously proposed models for merging video and X have placed most of the video functionality into the X server. We propose a more streamlined model that adds only the minimum necessary functionality to the X server. Transparent Video (tV) is a separate server that provides an application independant model for controlling specific devices (cameras, recorders, effects boxes, etc.) as well as handling switching and routing. The only video capabilities that need be implemented in the X server are those which deal specifically with how the video is displayed and its relation to the windows (clipping, hue and contrast control, etc.). The presentation will cover: o The architecture of tV o How tV interacts with X o Discussion of applications ---------------------------------------------- ADEW - The Andrew Development Environment Workbench Tom Neuendorffer, Carnegie Mellon University ADEW is a user interface management system designed to simplify the creation of Andrew Toolkit applications, and for use in rapid prototyping. It provides a extendable collection of widgets (buttons, switches, thumbwheels, etc), tools for creating multi-media documents, and a code generation program that takes care of the details of writing dynamic objects. ADEW applications are created by copying components from an object creation window (Arbcon), and pasting them into any desired layout object. Once a prototype is thus created, a dynamically loadable controller object can then be automatically generated and modified by the user to create applications. ADEW has been distributed along with the Andrew Toolkit. ---------------------------------------------- An "XLib" for the Cedar Language Christian Jacobi, Xerox PARC How would you design an "XLib" or a "Toolkit" when you could use a programming environment with strong typing, shared address space, dynamic loading, lightweight processes, exception mechanisms, a rich imaging library, and, garbage collection? I had the opportunity to design such an interface. It does not hide any original X functionality, but at the same time it looks absolutely natural in its environment. ---------------------------------------------- Window Groups as an Extension to the Parent/Child Hierarchy in the X11 Window System Philip Gust, Multi-User Interface Project, HP Labs The parent/child hierarchies in X11 is inadequate to express a number of useful relationships among windows. Postits and drop shadows, for example, are notoriously difficult to implement without requiring the use of a special window manager to support them. The purpose of this note is to describe a useful relationship among windows called a 'group'. Many other user interface effects, some of which cannot be done using X, can be expressed in terms of the group relationship. We also suggest that in its most general form, groups are a framework for describing even the existing X capabilities in a more coherent way. ---------------------------------------------- Implementing an X Server in Ada Stu Lewin, Sanders Associates, Inc. Sanders is halfway through a two year project to implement an X Window System server using the Ada programming language. Our objectives are to implement a production quality base windowing system suitable for use in Ada-based real-time systems, and to examine Ada's applicability as an implementation language for graphics software. We currently have running a partially-implemented server which dispatches on client requests, performs basic windowing operations and executes basic graphics functions. This talk will explain why we chose to do an Ada implementation, describe our implementation approach and server design, relate a few lessons learned about using Ada in such an application, and make some observations about using graphics processors with X. ~ B I R D S O F A F E A T H E R ~ ----------------------------------- If you are interested in sponsoring or co-sponsoring one of these BOFs, send email to Monday, January 23, 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Image Processing and Display Documenting X Applications Xt-based Toolkits topics X & PCs Tuesday, January 24, 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Window Managers, ICCCM, Session Managers X3D (PEX) Device Independent Color UIMS CLX and CLUE and CLOS Tuesday, January 24, 8:30 - 10:00 pm XUG meeting Wednesday, January 25, 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. End-User Applications Specification Languages & Tools for X-based User Interfaces Video (applications and server extensions) X & Ada Server Implementors ~ T U T O R I A L P R O G R A M ~ ---------------------------------- All morning tutorials run concurrently. All afternoon tutorials run concurrently. You may register for *one* morning tutorial and you may register for *one* afternoon tutorial. Choose one Morning Choose one Afternoon ------------------ -------------------- InterViews part 1 InterViews part 2 Xlib part 1 Xlib part 2 Andrew Toolkit part 1 Andrew Toolkit part 2 Display PostScript part 1 Display PostScript part 2 Writing Widgets (novice) Using Widgets (novice) Writing Widgets (advanced) ------- Programming User Interfaces in C++ with InterViews Paul Calder, Stanford University In this tutorial we describe InterViews, a C++ toolkit for X that we have developed at Stanford. InterViews provides a true object-oriented programming interface that supports the composition of interactive objects (such as scroll bars and menus), text objects (such as words and whitespace), and graphics objects (such as circles and polygons). After a quick introduction to C++ and InterViews basics, we will present three applications: a dialog box built from interactive objects, a simple drawing editor using a hierarchy of graphical objects, and a simple editor using a hierarchy of text objects. The morning session will cover C++, InterViews basics, and a simple application. Attendees should be familiar with C, X, and object-oriented programming concepts. Familiarity with C++ would be helpful, but is not required. The afternoon session will cover graphics and text applications in detail. Attendees who are not at the morning session should be familiar with C++ and basic InterViews concepts. ------- Introduction to Programming with Xlib Oliver Jones, Apollo Computer, Inc. The proposed tutorial is at the Beginning level. The X Window System is a complex and comprehensive software package for controlling workstations. Programmers, even those expert in computer graphics, must go up a substantial learning curve in order to understand the issues and techniques involved in designing and implementing application software to run on X Workstations. This Beginning-level tutorial assumes no prior knowledge of X, and is intended to shorten that learning curve. This tutorial is for technical professionals who are unfamiliar with Version 11 of the X Window System. People preparing to design and develop application software to run under X will find this tutorial especially useful. Attendees should be generally familiar with graphics workstation technology and networks. In addition, attendees should be experienced with the C programming language. The purpose of this tutorial is to help turn X novices into reasonably competent developers of X Window System application software. The tutorial addresses Xlib, the C language interface to X. By covering low level X requests, the tutorial lays the conceptual foundation for understanding and applying the various high-level human interface toolkits and user interface management systems available as layers on X. ------- The Andrew Toolkit (ATK): An Introduction Andrew J. Paley and Nathaniel S. Borenstein, Carnegie Mellon University This tutorial is intended for experienced C programmers who know nothing about programming with the Andrew Toolkit. Some familiarity with the concepts of object-oriented programming would be helpful, but is not required. The tutorial will explain enough about the ATK to allow such people to begin serious application development using the ATK, if they are so inclined. Those with prior experience with the ATK are welcome to attend, but should not expect extended discussion of advanced or esoteric ATK features at this tutorial. The Andrew Toolkit is a powerful set of tools for building complex user interface programs in a window-system independent manner. Besides providing many basic building blocks for such interfaces, the ATK also provides substantial facilities for object-oriented programming, which greatly simplify the process of constructing new interfaces. However, these facilities require the programmer to approach his programs in ways that may not be familiar to most C programmers. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the Andrew Toolkit. The primary emphasis will be on thinking like an ATK programmer. Within this conceptual framework, we will then study the various components, or building blocks, that the ATK offers, and how they may be put together to form complex applications. ------- Display PostScript Adam Stock and Kim Stickney, Adobe Systems The Display PostScript System(TM) is a graphics programming environment for interactive displays based on the PostScript(R) programming language. A Display PostScript extension to X is being developed jointly by Adobe Systems and Digital Equipment Corporation under the DECwindows(TM) program. The PostScript language offers the developer a device and resolution independent imaging model for addressing both color and black and white displays and output devices. It offers the end-user the same imaging model on displays that is a standard on laser printers and typesetters for true WYSIWYG compatability. This tutorial will cover what the application programmer needs to know to write to the Display PostScript System. The issues include the Display PostScript extensions, the client library interface, and pswrap, a PostScript to C preprocessor. PostScript is the registered trademark of Adobe Systems. Display PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems. DECwindows is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation. ------- Using Widgets Dany S. Guindi, SERC Georgia Institute of Technology This tutorial will attempt to teach the experienced C programmer how to glue together some of the existing widgets so as to create a user interface to an application. It will be necessary to explore both the intrinsics as well as the different widget sets available. The tutorial will use the Athena Widget set for examples, but will also try to cover small examples from other widget sets. This tutorial differs from the "Writing Widgets" tutorial in that we will NOT attempt to explain how to expand the widget set nor how to slightly modify existing widgets! ------- Writing Widgets (novice) Paul Asente, DEC Western Software Lab This is an introduction to the Xt toolkit Intrinsics for would-be widget writers. We will go over complete implementations of three simple widgets, label, pushbutton, and box, a simple composite widget. Classing, subclassing, inheritance, resources, and introductory translation management will be covered. Prerequisite: a basic familiarity with X11 and Xlib. ------- Writing Widgets (advanced) Ralph Swick and Mark Ackerman, MIT Project Athena This covers more advanced topics in the Xt toolkit Intrinsics for widget writers. We will cover geometry management, constrained composite widgets, resource converters, subresources, and advanced event handling. Prerequisite: an understanding equivalent to that gained in the novice class. ~ A C C O M M O D A T I O N S ~ --------------------------- Each person is responsible for making their own arrangements (this includes cancellations) and will be billed directly by the hotel. Each individual should TELEPHONE THE HOTEL DIRECTLY and identify themselves as being part of the X WINDOW CONFERENCE*. ( Contacting the Hotels through the reservation telephone numbers listed below will allow you to obtain the proper conference group rate.) NOTE: The hotels are listed in order of proximity to MIT's Kresge Auditorium. Kresge is the primary Conference building. LAST DATE RESERVATIONS HOTEL DISTANCE RATE ACCEPTED -------------------------- -------------------- ----------- ------------ HYATT REGENCY 10 min walk to Kresge Single/ JAN. 2 575 Memorial Dr Free shuttle service Double $95 Cambridge, MA to Kresge 617-492-1234 extension 201 PARKING: $8/night Facilities at the Hyatt include a 75ft pool, health club, Jonah's Seafood Restaurant, and Sally Lings Chinese Resaurant. BOSTON MARRIOTT/CAMBRIDGE 15 min walk thru Single $95 JAN. 8 Two Cambridge Center campus to Kresge Double $105 Cambridge, MA 800-228-9290 617-494-6600 PARKING: $10/night ROYAL SONESTA* 25-30 min walk to Single/ JAN. 3 5 Cambridge Pkwy Kresge. Free shuttle Double $95 Cambridge, MA service to Kresge 617-491-3600 *When reserving a room at the Royal Sonesta, state that you are reserving under the conference block number (or group code) G7047 . NOTE: Reservations made AFTER the "LAST DATE RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED" dates listed above will be handled on a space and rate available basis. ~ C O N F E R E N C E R E G I S T R A T I O N ~ --------------------------------------------- Register FOR THE CONFERENCE by returning a completed registration form (See registration form below). Registration received without the required information or sent to the wrong address has a high probability of being completely ignored. Registration will be on a first-come-first-serve basis; if we cannot accommodate your request, you will be informed as soon as possible. RECEIPT WILL BE ACKNOWLEDGED within two weeks. We would PREFER you to register for the conference via the network address: If necessary, one can register by sending a completed copy of the registration form to our postal address: Michelle Leger MIT Laboratory for Computer Science 545 Technology Square, Rm 217 Cambridge, MA 02139 or, *only* if you do not have a network address, by sending a copy to our FAX# (617-258-8682). PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT US AT ANY OF THESE REGISTRATION ADDRESSES FOR ACCOMMODATION RESERVATIONS. (see the accommodation listings above for the proper hotel reservation telephone numbers.) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX If you specify > 1 tutorial for the morning or the afternoon, or if you fail to give your name, you will certainly NOT be registered. --------cut here------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd Annual X Technical Conference Registration Form send to Name: Network address: Morning Tutorial: Afternoon Tutorial: Postal Address: Telephone: Top 3 BOF choices: