[comp.windows.x] Answer to x10 to x11 on a VAXstation 2000 under Ultrix 2.2

DEG41560@UA1VM.BITNET (Rob) (01/04/89)

 I am answering my own question on changing from the DEC distributed
 version of X10r4 to X11. Here's the trick for going to X11 from X10.
You must:

 1) edit /etc/ttys and comment out the ttyv0 x10 initialization lines. This
is obvious, I know.

 2) Build a new kernel, with the lines "options xos" and "pseudodevice xos"
removed from the kernel configuration file.  This is the key.  Note that I
used the new sg.o that I FTPed from expo.

 3) Reboot from this kernel.  Note that the console is dead when the system
comes up, but X11 will run if started from another terminal.  I believe by
adding a console line to /etc/ttys this slight complication can be fixed.

                                    Hope this is help to someone,

fuzzy%aruba.dnet@WPAFB-AVLAB.ARPA (john s karabaic) (01/04/89)

Thanks for the advice.  Can someone tell me where I can FTP X11 source and
fixes?  Please include host numbers because I am certain our gateway's host
table is incomplete...
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