[comp.windows.x] magnifier widget

blewett@RESEARCH.ATT.COM (C. Douglas Blewett) (01/05/89)

The following is some code to look at doing simple image presentation
using standard X and X widgets.  Two features that have been mentioned
so far in the image processing group are pan and zoom.  The patch I
posted a fews days ago does a nice job on panning.  The following
contains patches to the HP static raster widget to turn it into a
magnifier widget.  This seems to be effective for zooming.  Because it
is a widget it can be contained within a scrolled window widget or
otherwise manipulated effectively.  This was just a couple hours worth
of amusement while I had a cold.  This is definitely not a bug fix.

The bundle contains a makefile, simple test code, and the diff to
convert the HP widget files.  The test code gets a snap shot of the
screen and hands it off to the magnifier widget.  There are two
magnifying techniques used in the widget.  The monochrome version
constructs rectangles - pretty standard.  The color constructs new X
image parts and is designed to work well with images containing a lot
of detail (colors).

Doug Blewett			(201) 582-6496
AT&T Bell Laboratories		research!blewett
office 2c470			blewett%research.att.com@relay.cs.net
600 Mountain Avenue		blewett@research.att.com
Murray Hill, NJ  07974

# To unbundle, sh this file
echo xwmagnify.mk 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >xwmagnify.mk <<'//GO.SYSIN DD xwmagnify.mk'
-DIR=	/usr/local/src/lib/X.V11R3/contrib/widgets/Xhp
-LIBS=	$(DIR)/lib/libXw.a $(DIR)/lib/libXt.a -lX11
-xwmagnify:	xwmagnify.o SMRaster.o
-	cc -o xwmagnify -g xwmagnify.o SMRaster.o $(LIBS)
//GO.SYSIN DD xwmagnify.mk
echo xwmagnify.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >xwmagnify.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD xwmagnify.c'
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <X11/IntrinsicP.h>
-#include <X11/IntrinsicI.h>		/* definition of XtDefaultDB */
-#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
-#include <X11/Xatom.h>
-#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
-#include <Xw/Xw.h>
-#include <Xw/XwP.h>
-#include <Form.h>
-#include <PButton.h>
-#include <Xw/Arrow.h>
-#include <Valuator.h>
-#include <ScrollBar.h>
-#include <SWindow.h>
-#include <SText.h>
-#include <TextEdit.h>
-#include "SMRaster.h"
-#define MIN(x,y)	((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
-#define MAX(x,y)	((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
- * Command line options data
- */
-static XrmOptionDescRec options[] =
-	{"-mag",   "magnification",        XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
-	{"-m",     "magnification",        XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
-	{"-box",   "box_size",             XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
-	{"-b",     "box_size",             XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
-typedef struct
-	int magnification;
-	int box_size;
-} app_resourceRec, *app_res;
-app_resourceRec app_resources;
-static XtResource resources[] =
-	{
-		"magnification", "Magnification",
-		XtRInt, sizeof (int),
-	        XtOffset (app_res, magnification),
-		XtRString, (caddr_t) "4"
-	},
-	{
-		"box_size", "Box_Size",
-		XtRInt, sizeof (int),
-	        XtOffset (app_res, box_size),
-		XtRString, (caddr_t) "256"
-	},
- * Report the syntax
- */
-Syntax (call)
-char *call;
-	fprintf (stderr,
-	 "%s: usage\n  %s [-box <size in pixels>] [-mag <magnification>]\n",
-		 call, call);
-	fprintf (stderr,
-	 "The default box size is 256 and default magnification is 4\n");
-	exit (1);
-main (argc, argv)
-unsigned int argc;
-char **argv;
-	extern XImage *process_image ();
-	extern void AppNewImage ();
-	extern void AppNewMagnification ();
-	extern void AppExit ();
-	Widget toplevel, form, NewImagew, Exitw, sw;
-	Widget label, Magnification, MagnifierWidget;
-	XtCallbackRec toll_call[2];
-	XtTranslations text_trans;
-	Arg args[20];
-	char buf[4];
-	int i;
-	XImage *image;
-	XColor xch, xce;
-	toplevel = XtInitialize (argv[0], "Test",
-				 options, XtNumber (options),
-				 &argc, argv);
-	if (argc > 1)
-		Syntax (argv[0]);
-	XrmPutLineResource (&XtDefaultDB, "*font: fixed");
-	XtGetApplicationResources (toplevel, &app_resources,
-				   resources, XtNumber (resources),
-				   NULL, 0);
-	image = XGetImage (XtDisplay (toplevel),
-			   RootWindow (XtDisplay (toplevel),
-				       DefaultScreen (XtDisplay (toplevel))),
-			   0, 0,
-			   app_resources.box_size, app_resources.box_size,
-			   AllPlanes,
-			   (DefaultDepth (XtDisplay (toplevel),
-				  DefaultScreen (XtDisplay (toplevel))) > 1) ?
-			   ZPixmap : XYPixmap);
-	if (image == (XImage *) NULL)
-		exit (1);
-	if (XAllocNamedColor (XtDisplay (toplevel),
-			      DefaultColormap (XtDisplay (toplevel), 0),
-			      "blue",
-			      &xch, &xce) == FALSE)
-		xch.pixel = NULL;
-	form = XtCreateManagedWidget ("form", XwformWidgetClass,
-				      toplevel, NULL, 0);
-	i = 0;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNxRefWidget, form); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNyRefWidget, form); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNyOffset, 5); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNhighlightThickness, 2); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNtraversalType, XwHIGHLIGHT_ENTER); i++;
-	if (xch.pixel)
-		XtSetArg (args[i], XtNhighlightColor, xch.pixel), i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNlabel, "New Image"); i++;
-	toll_call[0].callback = (XtCallbackProc) AppNewImage;
-	toll_call[0].closure = (caddr_t) &MagnifierWidget;
-	toll_call[1].callback = (XtCallbackProc) NULL;
-	toll_call[1].closure = NULL;
-	XtSetArg (args[0], XtNrelease, toll_call);
-	NewImagew = XtCreateManagedWidget ("NewImage", XwpushButtonWidgetClass,
-					   form, args, i);
-	i = 0;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNxRefWidget, form); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNyRefWidget, form); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNyOffset, 5); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNxAttachRight, TRUE); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNxVaryOffset, TRUE); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNhighlightThickness, 2); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNtraversalType, XwHIGHLIGHT_ENTER); i++;
-	if (xch.pixel)
-		XtSetArg (args[i], XtNhighlightColor, xch.pixel), i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNlabel, "Exit"); i++;
-	toll_call[0].callback = (XtCallbackProc) AppExit;
-	toll_call[0].closure = NULL;
-	toll_call[1].callback = (XtCallbackProc) NULL;
-	toll_call[1].closure = NULL;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNrelease, toll_call); i++;
-	Exitw = XtCreateManagedWidget ("Exit", XwpushButtonWidgetClass,
-				       form, args, i);
-	i = 0;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNxRefWidget, NewImagew); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNyRefWidget, NewImagew); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNxOffset, 5); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNyOffset, 5); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNyAddHeight, TRUE); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNstring, "Magnification:"); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNborderWidth, 0); i++;
-	label = XtCreateManagedWidget ("label",
-				       XwstatictextWidgetClass,
-				       form,
-				       args, i);
-	i = 0;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNxOffset, 5); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNxRefWidget, label); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNyRefWidget, label); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNxAddWidth, TRUE); i++;
-	if (app_resources.magnification < 1)
-		app_resources.magnification = 1;
-	if (app_resources.magnification > 64)
-		app_resources.magnification = 64;
-	sprintf (buf, "%d", app_resources.magnification);
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNstring, buf); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNheight, 30); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNwidth, 80); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNmaximumSize, 3); i++;
-	toll_call[0].callback = (XtCallbackProc) AppNewMagnification;
-	toll_call[0].closure = (caddr_t) &MagnifierWidget;
-	toll_call[1].callback = (XtCallbackProc) NULL;
-	toll_call[1].closure = NULL;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNleaveVerification, toll_call); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNhighlightThickness, 2); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNtraversalType, XwHIGHLIGHT_ENTER); i++;
-	if (xch.pixel)
-		XtSetArg (args[i], XtNhighlightColor, xch.pixel), i++;
-	Magnification = XtCreateManagedWidget ("Magnification",
-					       XwtexteditWidgetClass,
-					       form,
-					       args, i);
-	i = 0;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNxRefWidget, form); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNyRefWidget, Magnification); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNyAddHeight, TRUE); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNxResizable, TRUE); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNyResizable, TRUE); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNyOffset, 5); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNxAttachRight, TRUE); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNyAttachBottom, TRUE); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNwidth, image -> width); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNheight, image -> height); i++;
-	sw = XtCreateManagedWidget ("window", XwswindowWidgetClass,
-				    form, args, i);
-	i = 0;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNxRefWidget, sw); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNyRefWidget, sw); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNxResizable, TRUE); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNyResizable, TRUE); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNxOffset, 5); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNyOffset, 5); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNxAttachRight, TRUE); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNsRimage, image); i++;
-	XtSetArg (args[i], XtNsMRmagnification, app_resources.magnification); i++;
-	MagnifierWidget = XtCreateManagedWidget ("magnifier",
-						 XwsmrasterWidgetClass,
-						 sw,
-						 args, i);
-	XtRealizeWidget (toplevel);
-	text_trans = XtParseTranslationTable (
-			"Ctrl<Key>M:	leave() enter()\n\
-	 		 Ctrl<Key>J:	leave() enter()\n\
-			 <Key>Delete:	delete-previous-character()\n\
-			 Ctrl<Key>?:	delete-previous-character()\n\
-			 <Key>Return:	leave() enter()\n");
-	XtOverrideTranslations (Magnification, text_trans);
-	XtMainLoop ();
-static void
-AppNewImage (w, closure, call_data)
-Widget w;
-Widget *closure;
-caddr_t call_data;
-	extern XRectangle getrect ();
-	XRectangle r;
-	XImage *image;
-	Arg arg;
-	int RootWidth, RootHeight;
-	Display *display = XtDisplay (w);
-	int screen = DefaultScreen (display);
-	Window root = RootWindow (display, screen);
-	Widget MagnifierWidget = *closure;
-	do
-	{
-		r = getrect (display, screen, 1);
-	} while (r.width < 1 || r.height < 1);
-	RootWidth = XDisplayWidth (display, screen) - 1;
-	RootHeight = XDisplayHeight (display, screen) - 1;
-	if (r.x < 0)
-		r.x = 0;
-	if (r.y < 0)
-		r.y = 0;
-	if (r.x + r.width > RootWidth)
-		r.width = RootWidth - r.x;
-	if (r.y + r.height > RootHeight)
-		r.height = RootHeight - r.y;
-	image = XGetImage (display, root,
-			   r.x, r.y,
-			   r.width, r.height,
-			   AllPlanes,
-			   (DefaultDepth (display, screen) > 1) ?
-			   ZPixmap : XYPixmap);
-	if (image != (XImage *) NULL)
-	{
-		UnmapSMRasterWidget (MagnifierWidget);
-		XtSetArg (arg, XtNsRimage, image);
-		XtSetValues (MagnifierWidget, &arg, 1);
-		MapSMRasterWidget (MagnifierWidget);
-	}
-static XRectangle
-rcanon (p1, p2)
-XPoint p1, p2;
-	int mx, my, lx, ly;
-	XRectangle r;
-	lx = MAX (p1.x, p2.x);
-	ly = MAX (p1.y, p2.y);
-	mx = MIN (p1.x, p2.x);
-	my = MIN (p1.y, p2.y);
-	r.x = mx;
-	r.y = my;
-	r.width = lx - mx;
-	r.height = ly - my;
-	return r;
-static XRectangle
-getrect (display, screen, theButton)
-Display *display;
-int screen;
-int theButton;
-	XPoint p1, p2;
-	XRectangle r;
-	int state;
-	Window rootwindow, subwindow;
-	int x, y;
-	int cx, cy;
-	static Cursor c = 0;
-	static GC gc;
-	XGCValues gcvalues;
-	Window root = RootWindow (display, screen);;
-	if (c == 0)
-	{
-		c = XCreateFontCursor(display, XC_icon);
-		gcvalues.function = GXinvert;
-		gcvalues.subwindow_mode = IncludeInferiors;
-		gcvalues.foreground = BlackPixel(display,
-						 XDefaultScreen (display));
-		gcvalues.line_width = 2;
-		gc = XCreateGC (display, root,
-				GCFunction | GCSubwindowMode |
-				GCLineWidth | GCForeground,
-				&gcvalues);
-	}
-	r.x = r.y = r.width = r.height = 0;
-	 /*
-	  * Grab the server (avoid collisons) and mouse (set the cursor)
-	  */
-        for (;;)
-	{
-		if (XGrabPointer (display, root,
-				 True, ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask,
-				 GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync,
-				 None,
-				 c,
-				 CurrentTime) == GrabSuccess)
-			break;
-	}
-	XGrabServer (display);
-	while (button (display, root, theButton) == 0)
-		XSync (display, 0);
-	if (button (display, root, theButton) == 0)
-	{
-		XUngrabServer (display);
-		XUngrabPointer (display, CurrentTime);
-		return r;
-	}
-	XQueryPointer (display, root, &rootwindow, &subwindow,
-		       &x, &y, &cx, &cy, &state);
-	r.x = p1.x = p2.x = x;
-	r.y = p1.y = p2.y = y;
-	XDrawRectangle (display, root, gc, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);
-	while (button (display, root, theButton))
-	{
-		XDrawRectangle (display, root, gc, r.x, r.y,
-				r.width, r.height);
-		XQueryPointer (display, root, &rootwindow, &subwindow,
-			       &x, &y, &cx, &cy, &state);
-		p2.x = x;
-		p2.y = y;
-		r = rcanon (p1, p2);
-		XDrawRectangle (display, root, gc, r.x, r.y,
-				r.width, r.height);
-	}
-	XDrawRectangle (display, root, gc, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);
-	XUngrabServer (display);
-	XUngrabPointer (display, CurrentTime);
-	XSync (display, 0);
-	return r;
-static int
-button (display, root, it)
-Display *display;
-Window root;
-int it;
-	static int b[] =
-	{
-		Button1Mask, Button2Mask, Button3Mask,
-		Button4Mask, Button5Mask
-	};
-	Window rootwindow, subwindow;
-	int x, y;
-	int cx, cy;
-	int state;
-	if (it < 1 || it > 5)
-		return FALSE;
-	XQueryPointer (display, root, &rootwindow, &subwindow,
-		       &x, &y, &cx, &cy, &state);
-	return b[it - 1] & state;
-static void
-AppNewMagnification (w, closure, call_data)
-Widget w;
-Widget *closure;
-caddr_t call_data;
-	Widget MagnifierWidget = *closure;
-	int newmagnification;
-	unsigned char buf[4];
-	int used;
-	int length;
-	Arg arg;
-	length = XwTextGetLastPos(w);
-	if (length < 1)
-		return;
-	XwTextReadSubString (w, 0, length, buf, 64, &used);
-	buf[length] = '\0';
-	newmagnification = atoi (buf);
-	if (newmagnification < 1)
-		newmagnification = 1;
-	else if (newmagnification > 64)
-		newmagnification = 64;
-	sprintf (buf, "%d", newmagnification);
-	XtSetArg (arg, XtNstring, buf);
-	XtSetValues (w, &arg, 1);
-	if (app_resources.magnification == newmagnification)
-		return;
-	app_resources.magnification = newmagnification;
-	UnmapSMRasterWidget (MagnifierWidget);
-	XtSetArg (arg, XtNsMRmagnification, newmagnification);
-	XtSetValues (MagnifierWidget, &arg, 1);
-	MapSMRasterWidget (MagnifierWidget);
-static void
-AppExit (w, client_data, call_data)
-Widget w;
-caddr_t client_data;
-caddr_t call_data;
-	exit (0);
//GO.SYSIN DD xwmagnify.c
echo xdiff 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >xdiff <<'//GO.SYSIN DD xdiff'
-*** SRaster.c	Wed Jan  4 20:22:46 1989
---- SMRaster.c	Wed Jan  4 20:23:08 1989
-*** 1,7 ****
-  /*************************************<+>*************************************
-   *****************************************************************************
-   **
-!  **   File:        SRaster.c
-   **
-   **   Project:     X Widgets (Part II)
-   **
---- 1,7 ----
-  /*************************************<+>*************************************
-   *****************************************************************************
-   **
-!  **   File:        SMRaster.c
-   **
-   **   Project:     X Widgets (Part II)
-   **
-*** 39,51 ****
-  #include <Xw/Xw.h>
-  #include <Xw/XwP.h>
-! #include <Xw/SRaster.h>
-! #include <Xw/SRasterP.h>
-! static void    ClassInitialize();
-  static Boolean SetValues();
-! static void SRasterDestroy();
-  static void Select();
-  static void Release();
---- 39,52 ----
-  #include <Xw/Xw.h>
-  #include <Xw/XwP.h>
-! #include "SMRaster.h"
-! #include "SMRasterP.h"
-! static void magnify ();
-! static void ClassInitialize();
-  static Boolean SetValues();
-! static void SMRasterDestroy();
-  static void Select();
-  static void Release();
-*** 91,116 ****
-  static XtResource resources[] =
-  {
-     {
-       XtNsRimage, XtCSRimage, XtRImage, sizeof(XImage *),
-!      XtOffset (XwSRasterWidget, sraster.image),
-       XtRImage, NULL
-     },
-     {
-       XtNinvertOnSelect, XtCInvertOnSelect, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
-!      XtOffset (XwSRasterWidget, sraster.invert),
-       XtRString,"TRUE"
-     },
-     {
-       XtNshowSelected, XtCShowSelected, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
-!      XtOffset (XwSRasterWidget, sraster.showme),
-       XtRString,"TRUE"
-     },
-     {
-       XtNset, XtCSet, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
-!      XtOffset (XwSRasterWidget, sraster.poked),
-       XtRString,"FALSE"
-     }
-  };
---- 92,121 ----
-  static XtResource resources[] =
-  {
-     {
-       XtNsRimage, XtCSRimage, XtRImage, sizeof(XImage *),
-!      XtOffset (XwSMRasterWidget, smraster.image),
-       XtRImage, NULL
-     },
-     {
-       XtNinvertOnSelect, XtCInvertOnSelect, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
-!      XtOffset (XwSMRasterWidget, smraster.invert),
-       XtRString,"TRUE"
-     },
-     {
-       XtNshowSelected, XtCShowSelected, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
-!      XtOffset (XwSMRasterWidget, smraster.showme),
-       XtRString,"TRUE"
-     },
-     {
-       XtNset, XtCSet, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
-!      XtOffset (XwSMRasterWidget, smraster.poked),
-       XtRString,"FALSE"
-+    },
-+    {
-+      XtNsMRmagnification, XtCSMRmagnification, XtRInt,
-+      sizeof (int), XtOffset (XwSMRasterWidget, smraster.magnification),
-+      XtRString, "4"
-     }
-  };
-*** 122,137 ****
-   *
-   *************************************<->***********************************/
-! SRasterClassRec srasterClassRec =
-  {
-     {
-        (WidgetClass) &XwprimitiveClassRec,    /* superclass	     */	
-        "StaticRaster",                   /* class_name	     */	
-!       sizeof(SRasterRec),               /* widget_size	     */	
-        ClassInitialize,                  /* class_initialize  */    
-        NULL,		                /* class_part_initialize  */    
-        FALSE,                            /* class_inited      */	
-!       InitSRaster,                      /* initialize	     */	
-        NULL,                             /* initialize hook   */
-        Realize,                          /* realize	     */	
-        actionsList,                      /* actions           */	
---- 127,142 ----
-   *
-   *************************************<->***********************************/
-! SMRasterClassRec smrasterClassRec =
-  {
-     {
-        (WidgetClass) &XwprimitiveClassRec,    /* superclass	     */	
-        "StaticRaster",                   /* class_name	     */	
-!       sizeof(SMRasterRec),              /* widget_size	     */	
-        ClassInitialize,                  /* class_initialize  */    
-        NULL,		                /* class_part_initialize  */    
-        FALSE,                            /* class_inited      */	
-!       InitSMRaster,                     /* initialize	     */	
-        NULL,                             /* initialize hook   */
-        Realize,                          /* realize	     */	
-        actionsList,                      /* actions           */	
-*** 143,149 ****
-        TRUE,                             /* compress_exposure */
-        TRUE,                             /* compress_enterleave */
-        FALSE,                            /* visible_interest  */	
-!       SRasterDestroy,                   /* destroy           */	
-        Resize,                           /* resize            */	
-        Resize,                           /* expose            */	
-        SetValues,                        /* set_values	         */	
---- 148,154 ----
-        TRUE,                             /* compress_exposure */
-        TRUE,                             /* compress_enterleave */
-        FALSE,                            /* visible_interest  */	
-!       SMRasterDestroy,                  /* destroy           */	
-        Resize,                           /* resize            */	
-        Resize,                           /* expose            */	
-        SetValues,                        /* set_values	         */	
-*** 170,177 ****
-     },
-  };
-! WidgetClass XwsrasterWidgetClass = (WidgetClass) &srasterClassRec;
-! WidgetClass XwstaticRasterWidgetClass = (WidgetClass) &srasterClassRec;
---- 175,182 ----
-     },
-  };
-! WidgetClass XwsmrasterWidgetClass = (WidgetClass) &smrasterClassRec;
-! WidgetClass XwstaticMagnifyingRasterWidgetClass = (WidgetClass) &smrasterClassRec;
-*** 188,202 ****
-   *************************************<->***********************************/
-  static void ClassInitialize()
-  {
-!    srasterClassRec.primitive_class.select_proc = (XtWidgetProc) Select;
-!    srasterClassRec.primitive_class.release_proc = (XtWidgetProc) Release;
-!    srasterClassRec.primitive_class.toggle_proc = (XtWidgetProc) NULL;
-  }
-  /*************************************<->*************************************
-   *
-!  *  InitSRaster
-   *
-   *   Description:
-   *   -----------
---- 193,207 ----
-   *************************************<->***********************************/
-  static void ClassInitialize()
-  {
-!    smrasterClassRec.primitive_class.select_proc = (XtWidgetProc) Select;
-!    smrasterClassRec.primitive_class.release_proc = (XtWidgetProc) Release;
-!    smrasterClassRec.primitive_class.toggle_proc = (XtWidgetProc) NULL;
-  }
-  /*************************************<->*************************************
-   *
-!  *  InitSMRaster
-   *
-   *   Description:
-   *   -----------
-*** 225,245 ****
-   *
-   *************************************<->***********************************/
-! static void InitSRaster(request, new, args, p_num_args)
-!  XwSRasterWidget request, new;
-   ArgList args;
-   Cardinal *p_num_args;
-  {
-      if (request->core.width == 0)
-! 	if (request->sraster.image != NULL)
-! 	    new->core.width += request->sraster.image->width;
-  	else
-  	    new->core.width += 10;
-      if (request->core.height == 0 )
-!         if (request->sraster.image != NULL)
-! 	    new->core.height += request->sraster.image->height;
-  	else
-  	    new->core.height += 10;
-      BuildInvGC(new);
---- 230,252 ----
-   *
-   *************************************<->***********************************/
-! static void InitSMRaster(request, new, args, p_num_args)
-!  XwSMRasterWidget request, new;
-   ArgList args;
-   Cardinal *p_num_args;
-  {
-      if (request->core.width == 0)
-! 	if (request->smraster.image != NULL)
-! 	    new->core.width += (request->smraster.image->width *
-! 				request->smraster.magnification);
-  	else
-  	    new->core.width += 10;
-      if (request->core.height == 0 )
-!         if (request->smraster.image != NULL)
-! 	    new->core.height += (request->smraster.image->height *
-! 				 request->smraster.magnification);
-  	else
-  	    new->core.height += 10;
-      BuildInvGC(new);
-*** 273,279 ****
-   *************************************<->***********************************/
-  static void Realize(w, p_valueMask, attributes)
-!     register Widget w;
-      Mask *p_valueMask;
-      XSetWindowAttributes *attributes;
-  {
---- 280,286 ----
-   *************************************<->***********************************/
-  static void Realize(w, p_valueMask, attributes)
-!     register XwSMRasterWidget w;
-      Mask *p_valueMask;
-      XSetWindowAttributes *attributes;
-  {
-*** 285,290 ****
---- 292,298 ----
-      XtCreateWindow(w,InputOutput, (Visual *)CopyFromParent,
-  		   valueMask, attributes);
-+     w->smraster.ismapped = True;
-  }
-*** 304,325 ****
-   *     event = XEvent structure
-   *     gc = GC to use
-   ****************************************************************/
-! static void ShowSR(w, event,gc)
-!     register XwSRasterWidget w;
-!     XEvent *event;
-      GC	   gc;
-  {
-      int HOffset,WOffset;
-      int VisHeight,VisWidth;
-      register ImageW,ImageH;
-!     if ((w->sraster.image == NULL) || (w->sraster.image->data == NULL))
-      {
-  	XtWarning("StaticRaster: NULL Image or bitmap pointer");
-  	return;
-      }
-!     VisWidth  = w->sraster.image->width;
-!     VisHeight = w->sraster.image->height;
-      HOffset = WOffset = (int) w->primitive.highlight_thickness;
-      ImageW = VisWidth + (WOffset << 1);
-      ImageH = VisHeight + (HOffset << 1);
---- 312,337 ----
-   *     event = XEvent structure
-   *     gc = GC to use
-   ****************************************************************/
-! static void ShowSR(w, event, gc)
-!     register XwSMRasterWidget w;
-!     XExposeEvent *event;
-      GC	   gc;
-  {
-      int HOffset,WOffset;
-      int VisHeight,VisWidth;
-      register ImageW,ImageH;
-+     int src_x = 0;
-+     int src_y = 0;
-!     if (w->smraster.ismapped == False)
-! 	    return;
-!     if ((w->smraster.image == NULL) || (w->smraster.image->data == NULL))
-      {
-  	XtWarning("StaticRaster: NULL Image or bitmap pointer");
-  	return;
-      }
-!     VisWidth  = w->smraster.image->width * w->smraster.magnification;
-!     VisHeight = w->smraster.image->height * w->smraster.magnification;
-      HOffset = WOffset = (int) w->primitive.highlight_thickness;
-      ImageW = VisWidth + (WOffset << 1);
-      ImageH = VisHeight + (HOffset << 1);
-*** 345,353 ****
-  	    VisHeight = w->core.height - (HOffset << 1);
-      }
-!     if (XtIsRealized(w)) {
-!     XPutImage(XtDisplay(w),XtWindow(w),gc,w->sraster.image,
-! 	      0,0, WOffset, HOffset,VisWidth,VisHeight);
-    /*
-     * We don't want to lose the highlight on redisplay
-     * do we?
---- 357,385 ----
-  	    VisHeight = w->core.height - (HOffset << 1);
-      }
-!     if (event && event -> type == Expose)
-!     {
-! 	    src_x = event -> x;
-! 	    src_y = event -> y;
-! 	    WOffset += src_x;
-! 	    HOffset += src_y;
-! 	    if (event -> width < VisWidth)
-! 		    VisWidth = event -> width;
-! 	    if (event -> height < VisHeight)
-! 		    VisHeight = event -> height;
-!     }
-!     if (XtIsRealized(w))
-!     {
-! 	    if (w->smraster.magnification == 1)
-! 		    XPutImage(XtDisplay(w),XtWindow(w),gc,w->smraster.image,
-! 			      src_x, src_y, WOffset, HOffset,
-! 			      VisWidth,VisHeight);
-! 	    else
-! 		    magnify (w, gc, w->smraster.image, w->smraster.magnification,
-! 			     src_x, src_y,
-! 			     WOffset, HOffset,
-! 			     VisWidth, VisHeight);
-    /*
-     * We don't want to lose the highlight on redisplay
-     * do we?
-*** 367,376 ****
-      }
-  }
-  /*************************************<->*************************************
-   *
-!  *  SRasterDestroy
-   *
-   *   Description:
-   *   -----------
---- 399,581 ----
-      }
-  }
-+ /*
-+  * The magnifier routine - this uses a very simple pixel replication
-+  * scheme.  DATASIZ is the size of the image data space.
-+  */
-+ #define DATASIZ		(32 * 1024)
-+ static void
-+ magnify (w, gc, image, mag,
-+ 	 src_x, src_y,
-+ 	 WOffset, HOffset,
-+ 	 width, height)
-+ Widget w;
-+ GC gc;
-+ XImage *image;
-+ int mag;
-+ int src_x;
-+ int src_y;
-+ int WOffset;
-+ int HOffset;
-+ int width;
-+ int height;
-+ {
-+ 	register int i;
-+ 	register int j;
-+ 	int x;
-+ 	int y;
-+ 	int end_x;
-+ 	int end_y;
-+ 	register long bits;
-+ 	int screen = DefaultScreen (XtDisplay (w));
-+ 	i = (src_x % mag);
-+ 	src_x -= i;
-+ 	width += i;
-+ 	WOffset -= i;
-+ 	i = (src_y % mag);
-+ 	src_y -= i;
-+ 	height += i;
-+ 	HOffset -= i;
-+ 	if (image -> depth > 1)
-+ 	{
-+ 		XImage *large_image;
-+ 		static char *data = NULL;
-+ 		int len;
-+ 		char *lptr;
-+ 		int lx;
-+ 		int end_lx;
-+ 		if (data == (char *) NULL &&
-+ 		    (data = (char *) malloc (DATASIZ)) == (char *) NULL)
-+ 		{
-+ 			XtWarning ("Cannot allocate image space.\n");
-+ 			return;
-+ 		}
-+ 		lx = (image -> depth * width + 7) / 8;
-+ 		len = lx * height;
-+ 		if (len > DATASIZ)
-+ 		{
-+ 			magnify (w, gc, image, mag,
-+ 				 src_x, src_y,
-+ 				 WOffset, HOffset,
-+ 				 width, (height + 1) / 2);
-+ 			magnify (w, gc, image, mag,
-+ 				 src_x, src_y + height / 2,
-+ 				 WOffset, HOffset + height / 2,
-+ 				 width, (height + 1) / 2);
-+ 			return;
-+ 		}
-+ 		large_image = XCreateImage (XtDisplay (w),
-+ 					    DefaultVisual (XtDisplay (w),
-+ 							   screen),
-+ 					    image -> depth, 
-+ 					    ZPixmap,
-+ 					    0, /* Offset */
-+ 					    data,
-+ 					    width, height,
-+ 					    8, /* line quantum */
-+ 					    lx);
-+ 		if (large_image == (XImage *) NULL)
-+ 		{
-+ 			XtWarning ("Cannot allocate image space.\n");
-+ 			return;
-+ 		}
-+ 		lptr = data;
-+ 		end_y = (src_y + height + mag - 1) / mag;
-+ 		if (end_y > image -> height)
-+ 			end_y = image -> height;
-+ 		end_x = (src_x + width + mag - 1) / mag;
-+ 		if (end_x > image -> width)
-+ 			end_x = image -> width;
-+ 		for (j = src_y / mag, y = 0; j < end_y; j++, y += mag)
-+ 		{
-+ 			for (i = src_x / mag, x = 0; i < end_x; i++, x += mag)
-+ 			{
-+ 				bits = (*image -> f.get_pixel) (image, i, j);
-+ 				end_lx = x + mag;
-+ 				for (lx = x; lx < end_lx; lx++)
-+ 					(*large_image -> f.put_pixel)
-+ 						(large_image, lx, y, bits);
-+ 			}
-+ 			for (i = 1; (i < mag) && (y + i < height); i++)
-+ 				bcopy (lptr,
-+ 				       lptr + large_image -> bytes_per_line * i,
-+ 				       large_image -> bytes_per_line);
-+ 			lptr += (large_image -> bytes_per_line * mag);
-+ 		}
-+ 		XPutImage (XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), gc, large_image,
-+ 			   0, 0, WOffset, HOffset,
-+ 			   width, height);
-+ 		XFree (large_image);
-+ 	}
-+ 	else
-+ 	{
-+ 		register long obits;
-+ 		int count, starting_x;
-+ 		long white = WhitePixel (XtDisplay (w), screen);
-+ 		end_y = (src_y + height + mag - 1) / mag;
-+ 		if (end_y > image -> height)
-+ 			end_y = image -> height;
-+ 		end_x = (src_x + width + mag - 1) / mag;
-+ 		if (end_x > image -> width)
-+ 			end_x = image -> width;
-+ 		for (j = src_y / mag, y = src_y; j < end_y;
-+ 		     j++, y += mag)
-+ 		{
-+ 			obits = (*image -> f.get_pixel) (image, src_x / mag, j);
-+ 			count = 0;
-+ 			starting_x = src_x;
-+ 			for (i = src_x / mag, x = src_x; i < end_x;
-+ 			     i++, x += mag)
-+ 			{
-+ 				bits = (*image -> f.get_pixel) (image, i, j);
-+ 				if (bits == obits)
-+ 				{
-+ 					if (count == 0)
-+ 						starting_x = x;
-+ 					count++;
-+ 				}
-+ 				else if (count)
-+ 				{
-+ 					if (obits != white)
-+ 						XFillRectangle (XtDisplay(w),
-+ 								XtWindow (w),
-+ 								gc,
-+ 								starting_x, y,
-+ 								count * mag,
-+ 								mag);
-+ 					count = 1;
-+ 					starting_x = x;
-+ 					obits = bits;
-+ 				}
-+ 			}
-+ 			if (count && obits != white)
-+ 				XFillRectangle (XtDisplay(w),
-+ 						XtWindow (w),
-+ 						gc,
-+ 						starting_x, y,
-+ 						count * mag,
-+ 						mag);
-+ 		}
-+ 	}
-+ }
-  /*************************************<->*************************************
-   *
-!  *  SMRasterDestroy
-   *
-   *   Description:
-   *   -----------
-*** 377,387 ****
-   *     Free up the GC's and stuff on destroy.
-   *
-   *************************************<->***********************************/
-! static void SRasterDestroy (srw)
-!   XwSRasterWidget srw;
-  {
-!    XtDestroyGC (srw->sraster.NormalGC);
-!    XtDestroyGC (srw->sraster.InverseGC);
-  }
---- 582,592 ----
-   *     Free up the GC's and stuff on destroy.
-   *
-   *************************************<->***********************************/
-! static void SMRasterDestroy (srw)
-!   XwSMRasterWidget srw;
-  {
-!    XtDestroyGC (srw->smraster.NormalGC);
-!    XtDestroyGC (srw->smraster.InverseGC);
-  }
-*** 397,419 ****
-  static void Select(w,event)
-! XwSRasterWidget w;
-  XEvent *event;
-  {
-!     w->sraster.poked = TRUE;
-!     if (w->sraster.invert)
-! 	ShowSR(w,NULL,w->sraster.InverseGC);
-      XtCallCallbacks(w,XtNselect,event);
-  }
-  static void Release(w,event)
-! XwSRasterWidget w;
-  XEvent *event;
-  {
-!     w->sraster.poked = FALSE;
-!     if (w->sraster.invert)
-! 	ShowSR(w,NULL,w->sraster.NormalGC);
-      XtCallCallbacks(w,XtNrelease,event);
-  }
---- 602,624 ----
-  static void Select(w,event)
-! XwSMRasterWidget w;
-  XEvent *event;
-  {
-!     w->smraster.poked = TRUE;
-!     if (w->smraster.invert)
-! 	ShowSR(w,NULL,w->smraster.InverseGC);
-      XtCallCallbacks(w,XtNselect,event);
-  }
-  static void Release(w,event)
-! XwSMRasterWidget w;
-  XEvent *event;
-  {
-!     w->smraster.poked = FALSE;
-!     if (w->smraster.invert)
-! 	ShowSR(w,NULL,w->smraster.NormalGC);
-      XtCallCallbacks(w,XtNrelease,event);
-  }
-*** 444,454 ****
-   *     XwGeomCheck;
-   *************************************<->***********************************/
-! static Boolean SetValues(current, request, new)
-      Widget current, request, new;
-  {
-!     XwSRasterWidget cw = (XwSRasterWidget) current;
-!     XwSRasterWidget nw = (XwSRasterWidget) new;
-      Boolean  flag = FALSE;    /* our return value */
-      int ht; 
---- 649,660 ----
-   *     XwGeomCheck;
-   *************************************<->***********************************/
-! static Boolean SetValues(current, request, new, last)
-      Widget current, request, new;
-+ Boolean last;
-  {
-!     XwSMRasterWidget cw = (XwSMRasterWidget) current;
-!     XwSMRasterWidget nw = (XwSMRasterWidget) new;
-      Boolean  flag = FALSE;    /* our return value */
-      int ht; 
-*** 461,475 ****
-  	cw->core.background_pixel != nw->core.background_pixel)
-  	    flag = TRUE;
-!     if ((cw->sraster.image != nw->sraster.image ||
-! 	cw->sraster.image->data != nw->sraster.image->data) &&
-  	nw->primitive.recompute_size)
-      {
-! 	    nw->core.width = nw->sraster.image->width + ht;
-! 	    nw->core.height = nw->sraster.image->height + ht;
-  	    flag = TRUE;
-      }
-!     if (cw->sraster.invert != nw->sraster.invert)
-  	    flag = TRUE;
-      return( flag );
---- 667,684 ----
-  	cw->core.background_pixel != nw->core.background_pixel)
-  	    flag = TRUE;
-!     if ((cw->smraster.magnification != nw->smraster.magnification ||
-! 	 cw->smraster.image != nw->smraster.image ||
-! 	 cw->smraster.image->data != nw->smraster.image->data) &&
-  	nw->primitive.recompute_size)
-      {
-! 	    nw->core.width = nw->smraster.image->width *
-! 		    nw->smraster.magnification + ht;
-! 	    nw->core.height = nw->smraster.image->height *
-! 		    nw->smraster.magnification + ht;
-  	    flag = TRUE;
-      }
-!     if (cw->smraster.invert != nw->smraster.invert)
-  	    flag = TRUE;
-      return( flag );
-*** 495,504 ****
-   *************************************<->***********************************/
-! static void Resize(w)
-!     XwSRasterWidget w;
-  {
-!     ShowSR(w,NULL,w->sraster.NormalGC);
-  }
---- 704,714 ----
-   *************************************<->***********************************/
-! static void Resize (w, event)
-!     XwSMRasterWidget w;
-!     XExposeEvent *event;
-  {
-!     ShowSR(w, event, w->smraster.NormalGC);
-  }
-*** 505,511 ****
-  /*************************************<->*************************************
-   *
-   *  BuildNormGC(srw)
-!  *    XwSRasterWidget  srw;
-   *
-   *   Description:
-   *   -----------
---- 715,721 ----
-  /*************************************<->*************************************
-   *
-   *  BuildNormGC(srw)
-!  *    XwSMRasterWidget  srw;
-   *
-   *   Description:
-   *   -----------
-*** 526,532 ****
-   *************************************<->***********************************/
-  static void BuildNormGC(srw)
-!     XwSRasterWidget srw;
-  {
-      XGCValues	values;
---- 736,742 ----
-   *************************************<->***********************************/
-  static void BuildNormGC(srw)
-!     XwSMRasterWidget srw;
-  {
-      XGCValues	values;
-*** 535,541 ****
-      values.line_width   = 1;
-!     srw->sraster.NormalGC = XtGetGC((Widget)srw,
-       	                                  (unsigned) GCForeground |
-  					  (unsigned) GCBackground,
-         	                                    &values);
---- 745,751 ----
-      values.line_width   = 1;
-!     srw->smraster.NormalGC = XtGetGC((Widget)srw,
-       	                                  (unsigned) GCForeground |
-  					  (unsigned) GCBackground,
-         	                                    &values);
-*** 544,550 ****
-  /*************************************<->*************************************
-   *
-   *  void BuildInvGC(srw)
-!  *          XwSRasterWidget  srw;
-   *
-   *   Description:
-   *   -----------
---- 754,760 ----
-  /*************************************<->*************************************
-   *
-   *  void BuildInvGC(srw)
-!  *          XwSMRasterWidget  srw;
-   *
-   *   Description:
-   *   -----------
-*** 562,575 ****
-   *************************************<->***********************************/
-  static void BuildInvGC(srw)
-!     XwSRasterWidget srw;
-  {
-      XGCValues	values;
-      values.foreground	= srw->core.background_pixel;
-      values.background   = srw->primitive.foreground;
-!     srw->sraster.InverseGC = XtGetGC((Widget)srw,
-       	                                  (unsigned) GCForeground |
-  					  (unsigned) GCBackground,
-         	                                    &values);
-  }
---- 772,799 ----
-   *************************************<->***********************************/
-  static void BuildInvGC(srw)
-!     XwSMRasterWidget srw;
-  {
-      XGCValues	values;
-      values.foreground	= srw->core.background_pixel;
-      values.background   = srw->primitive.foreground;
-!     srw->smraster.InverseGC = XtGetGC((Widget)srw,
-       	                                  (unsigned) GCForeground |
-  					  (unsigned) GCBackground,
-         	                                    &values);
-+ }
-+ void UnmapSMRasterWidget (w)
-+     register XwSMRasterWidget w;
-+ {
-+     w->smraster.ismapped = False;
-+     XtUnmapWidget (w);
-+ }
-+ void MapSMRasterWidget (w)
-+     register XwSMRasterWidget w;
-+ {
-+     w->smraster.ismapped = True;
-+     XtMapWidget (w);
-  }
-*** SRaster.h	Wed Jan  4 20:22:46 1989
---- SMRaster.h	Wed Jan  4 20:23:08 1989
-*** 1,7 ****
-  /*************************************<+>*************************************
-   *****************************************************************************
-   **
-!  **   File:        SRaster.h
-   **
-   **   Project:     X Widgets
-   **
---- 1,7 ----
-  /*************************************<+>*************************************
-   *****************************************************************************
-   **
-!  **   File:        SMRaster.h
-   **
-   **   Project:     X Widgets
-   **
-*** 25,41 ****
-   *************************************<+>*************************************/
-! /*  Static Raster Widget  */
-! extern WidgetClass XwsrasterWidgetClass;
-! typedef struct _XwSRasterClassRec * XwSRasterWidgetClass;
-! typedef struct _XwSRasterRec      * XwSRasterWidget;
-  /*  synonyms added for consistent naming conventions */
-! extern WidgetClass XwstaticRasterWidgetClass;
-! typedef struct _XwSRasterClassRec * XwStaticRasterWidgetClass;
-! typedef struct _XwSRasterRec      * XwStaticRasterWidget;
---- 25,44 ----
-   *************************************<+>*************************************/
-! /*  Static Magnifying Raster Widget  */
-! extern WidgetClass XwsmrasterWidgetClass;
-! typedef struct _XwSMRasterClassRec * XwSMRasterWidgetClass;
-! typedef struct _XwSMRasterRec      * XwSMRasterWidget;
-  /*  synonyms added for consistent naming conventions */
-! extern WidgetClass XwstaticMagnifyingRasterWidgetClass;
-! typedef struct _XwSMRasterClassRec * XwStaticMagnifyingRasterWidgetClass;
-! typedef struct _XwSMRasterRec      * XwStaticMagnifyingRasterWidget;
-! #define XtNsMRmagnification	"magnification"
-! #define XtCSMRmagnification	"Magnification"
-*** SRasterP.h	Wed Jan  4 20:22:46 1989
---- SMRasterP.h	Wed Jan  4 20:23:08 1989
-*** 31,47 ****
-   *
-   **************************************************/
-! typedef struct _SRasterClassPart
-  {
-     int mumble;
-! } SRasterClassPart;
-! typedef struct _XwSRasterClassRec
-  {
-     CoreClassPart      core_class;
-     XwPrimitiveClassPart primitive_class;
-!    SRasterClassPart   sraster_class;
-! } SRasterClassRec;
-  /****************
-   *
---- 31,47 ----
-   *
-   **************************************************/
-! typedef struct _SMRasterClassPart
-  {
-     int mumble;
-! } SMRasterClassPart;
-! typedef struct _XwSMRasterClassRec
-  {
-     CoreClassPart      core_class;
-     XwPrimitiveClassPart primitive_class;
-!    SMRasterClassPart   smraster_class;
-! } SMRasterClassRec;
-  /****************
-   *
-*** 48,54 ****
-   *  Forward Declarations - I thought unix was smart!
-   *
-   ****************/
-! void    InitSRaster();
-  void    Realize();
-  void    Resize();
-  void    ShowSR();
---- 48,54 ----
-   *  Forward Declarations - I thought unix was smart!
-   *
-   ****************/
-! void    InitSMRaster();
-  void    Realize();
-  void    Resize();
-  void    ShowSR();
-*** 60,66 ****
-   *
-   ***************************************************/
-! typedef struct _SRasterPart
-  {
-     XImage      * image;
-     Boolean	 invert;
---- 60,66 ----
-   *
-   ***************************************************/
-! typedef struct _SMRasterPart
-  {
-     XImage      * image;
-     Boolean	 invert;
-*** 68,80 ****
-     Boolean	 showme;
-     GC            NormalGC;
-     GC            InverseGC;
-! } SRasterPart;
-! typedef struct _XwSRasterRec
-  {
-     CorePart       core;
-     XwPrimitivePart  primitive;
-!    SRasterPart     sraster;
-! } SRasterRec;
---- 68,82 ----
-     Boolean	 showme;
-     GC            NormalGC;
-     GC            InverseGC;
-!    int           magnification;
-!    int		 ismapped;
-! } SMRasterPart;
-! typedef struct _XwSMRasterRec
-  {
-     CorePart       core;
-     XwPrimitivePart  primitive;
-!    SMRasterPart     smraster;
-! } SMRasterRec;
//GO.SYSIN DD xdiff