madd@adt.UUCP (jim frost) (12/22/88)
For the past six months, my job has been to port a product which is essentially a graphical database from the Silicon Graphics environment to the X Windows environment. This product draws a LOT. The minimal screen has about 115 graphical objects, which translates into over a thousand shape draws which are a fairly even mixture of ellipses, polylines, and rectangles both filled and empty. Users can create screens of arbitrary complexity -- 15,000 graphical objects, or about 100,000 shape draws, are not uncommon. Several users have screens which take over a million shape draws to construct. If our product is not the most graphically intense ever to be ported to X, it certainly has the potential to be. Using the SGI geometry engine, it was possible to redraw the entire screen fast enough to make things usable under most circumstances. Since X has substantially inferior performance on most (probably all) systems, a complete rewrite of our graphics drawing routines was necessary to minimize redrawing. In the course this rewrite, we came across one peculiarity in the X drawing routines for which I have been unable to find justification. Under every other graphical system I've ever used, there were two possible ways in which a fill was done: border-inclusive or not. Under X, filling is border-sometimes-inclusive. What this means is that the border will be included depending on which direction the border is facing. North and west facing borders are included in the fill, south and east borders are not. What this means in a practical sense is that a rectangle (x, y, w, h) is drawn filled as (x, y, w - 1, h - 1). This oddity is simple to overcome -- if you're filling a rectangle. If you are filling anything else, the only way to accomplish a border-inclusive fill is to both draw the polygon and fill it. Since many X servers have fairly poor performance, this is a substantial performance loss. When drawing a million shapes, this drop in performance is painful. From a client's point of view, it is obvious that the fill policy is not optimal. Now I would like to point out that it is not optimal from the server's point of view either. Many companies have hardware support for graphics. Obviously they would want an X server that could take advantage of their hardware. For example, Silicon Graphics' hardware has support for drawing and filling polygons. It does not, however, have support for such things as border-sometimes-inclusive fills -- they'll have to do it in software, a pixel at a time. This is, again, a substantial performance loss. In this case it's not a loss of a few percent, but a loss that will vary from a few percent for small polygons to running millions of times slower for very large ones. This loss is likely to become very obvious when drawing, say, a million shapes. It also will make life very difficult on those who are porting the server, since they cannot use existing routines. I have, in the past, stated that X's fill policy shows a considerable lack of foresight on the part of the designers. I maintain this point of view. To me, it has the feel of someone writing the algorithm and using it without thought as to whether it was a particularly good algorithm for the job. The X fill policy is a loss to both servers and clients: servers cannot make proper use of available hardware, and clients need to go to extra work to get proper results. About the only gain I can see is that the original implementor didn't have to use a different algorithm, saving some time at the expense of everyone else. As a developer, I call for a change or extension to the X protocol to correct this. Before I go, I would like to point out that most graphically intense programs that I have seen run under X (eg oops, fig) have bypassed the X shape drawing routines in favor of their own, using X as a stupid graphics terminal instead of a high-level graphics description language. Would anyone like to venture a guess as to why? Jim Frost Associative Design Technology
rws@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Bob Scheifler) (12/22/88)
As a developer, I call for a change or extension to the X protocol to correct this. I hear a complaint, but I don't hear a proposal. If you're willing to take the time to write down a detailed semantic description of what you want, take a shot at a syntactic description, identify incompatibilities with the current protocol, and include a rationale as to why the benefits of those incompatibilities outweigh the disadvantages, I'm certainly willing to listen. I don't think I've ever seen a well-defined semantics for "border+interior". I know PHIGS has edge/hollow/interior stuff, but I've never seen a PHIGS spec that managed to really give precise semantics, although I've heard the CGI folks may be doing some work here. I suppose I could say "your application sounds like a great match with PEX", and that the PEX extension is capable of supporting your fill model as well as providing server-side structure traversal which sounds like something you could use; I don't know if that comes anywhere near satisfying you. The X model doesn't really have "borders" per se. Lines aren't borders, they are filled polygons defined from a path. The X fill semantics are designed to allow seamless placement of contiguous polygons without having pixels hit more than once. This is viewed as a feature. It is true that there is hardware out there for which matching this semantics is painful. But, the "obvious" alternative of leaving the semantics essentially undefined also seems painful, from the developer's viewpoint. Anyway, I'd be happy to get any further comments you have.
madd@adt.UUCP (jim frost) (12/31/88)
>I hear a complaint, but I don't hear a proposal. Add two additional values to the GC field fill_rule, FillWithinPath and FillIncludingPath. Leave the fill algorithm selection up to the server. The ability of a client to select how insidedness is determined is of limited use anyway. FillWithinPath will fill all points within the given path and will not fill points which lie on the path. FillIncludingPath will fill all points within the given path and will additionally fill points which lie on the path. [These are very simple definitions but they should be adequate with the additional definition of "path", which already exists in the X protocol.] Incompatibilities: None that I can see, although software will require a server which implements the additional functionality. Since this is also the case with extensions, I don't see a particular problem with this. Benefits: A lot of software will be easier to write. Anything that uses the idea of filled vs unfilled or bordered vs unbordered will take considerably less time to write. Currently you have to adjust your polygons to get this kind of thing to work properly, which is easy enough to do on a rectangle but is very difficult to do on more complex polygons. Many servers will be able to take advantage of special hardware. It's my opinion that getting the high-end workstation people on your side will be good for X in general. Detriments: No loss of functionality. No loss of performance. Backwards compatibility problem, but not a serious one. You can always make use of the old method if you like. Comments: >The X fill semantics are >designed to allow seamless placement of contiguous polygons without having >pixels hit more than once. This is viewed as a feature. I'm not so sure. Just how many people make use of that "feature"? If you're placing polygons next to each other, can't you make the adjustments yourself? This is what I've always done in the past. I think this feature has limited use and causes far more problems than it solves. >It is true that there is hardware out there for which matching this >semantics is painful. Look at it from the other side: how much hardware is there out there for which it is NOT painful? I'd say just flat frame buffer stuff, where you can pick and choose your technique anyway. >But, the "obvious" alternative of leaving the semantics >essentially undefined also seems painful, from the developer's >viewpoint. This is true, but some thought should be put into finding useful semantics (or semantics which are useful to the greater audience), not just defining them. Jim Frost Associative Design Technology
rws@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Bob Scheifler) (12/31/88)
Leave the fill algorithm selection up to the server. The ability of a client to select how insidedness is determined is of limited use anyway. You may find it of limited use, but I suspect a developer that drew a 5-pointed star using either of these fill_rules wanted to be sure they got it all filled would be rather upset if it came up with a hole. Are you *sure* you really mean this? Just how many people make use of that "feature"? I don't know (any more than I'm likely to know how many would make use of your proposed features). If you're placing polygons next to each other, can't you make the adjustments yourself? Suppose I want to draw a filled diamond: (0, 200), (100, 100), (200, 200), (100, 200) in one color and then extend it out to a large diamond in another color: (100, 100), (200, 0), (400, 200), (200, 400), (100, 200), (200, 200) (did I get those right?). I don't want any pixel lit twice. Can you explain what "adjustments" I make to achieve that (I really don't want to have to figure out how to decompose polygons to achieve it). Look at it from the other side: how much hardware is there out there for which it is NOT painful? Can you actually name some real hardware that would benefit from your proposal, i.e. that follow the X rules except for the inside/outside of the border pixels? E.g., is it instead more typical of hardware to do things like use Bresenham outlines for polygon paths, which *isn't* the X definition of the path. I'm wondering if you are really only solving part of your problem, and whether your proposal won't in fact make the server implementor's life even worse. (I'm not really sure, I'm asking.) You may be making the programmer's life easier, but your original concerns seemed primarily centered on server performance. This is true, but some thought should be put into finding useful semantics (or semantics which are useful to the greater audience), not just defining them. We did put thought into the semantics. We even had the semantics out for public review. Of course, maybe those who now care didn't care then, or didn't know; we did the best we could. I have heard various complaints about the fill rule from various people, but it is far from clear to me that I have heard common threads yet, except "make it implementation dependent", and I'm not convinced that's "useful to the greater audience". [Comments from other folks on this proposal would be welcome by me.]
madd@adt.UUCP (jim frost) (12/31/88)
> Leave the fill algorithm selection up to the > server. >You may find it of limited use, but I suspect a developer that drew >a 5-pointed star using either of these fill_rules wanted to be sure >they got it all filled would be rather upset if it came up with a hole. >Are you *sure* you really mean this? No, I didn't. I didn't realize that the fill rules were supposed to determine how complex polygons should be filled (considering the description of each in the manual, this is not surprising -- it reads very much like IBM's _Principles_Of_Operation_). With this in mind, perhaps we should make a new GC field, say border_fill, with possible values FillWithinPath, FillIncludingPath, and FillPartialPath (which of course would be the current method and should be the default). This would certainly break a lot more things, but I believe it is a necessary evil. > If you're placing polygons next to each other, can't you make the > adjustments yourself? > >Suppose I want to draw a filled diamond: > (0, 200), (100, 100), (200, 200), (100, 200) >in one color and then extend it out to a large diamond in another color: > (100, 100), (200, 0), (400, 200), (200, 400), (100, 200), (200, 200) >(did I get those right?). I don't want any pixel lit twice. Can you explain >what "adjustments" I make to achieve that (I really don't want to have to >figure out how to decompose polygons to achieve it). Consider that I'm in exactly the same place. How do I create a filled complex polygon with no points on the path? Currently it's virtually impossible. Is it useful? For object-oriented graphics it sure is! Also, to create a complex polygon with all points on the path I currently have to do both a fill and a draw, elsewise I get a polygon with some edges missing. This causes half of the edges on my polygon to be "lit twice", by the way, which is exactly the problem you said you avoid with the current fill technique. If you're dealing with objects like I describe, you loose very badly. > Look at it from the other side: how much hardware is there out there > for which it is NOT painful? > >Can you actually name some real hardware that would benefit from your >proposal, i.e. that follow the X rules except for the inside/outside >of the border pixels? Silicon Graphics' hardware follows many of the X rules but would have real problems with the X polygon fill definition. I think the only way they'd be able to make use of their hardware currently would be to cause a fill inside a path and then draw the edges that X would have filled. Blech. Even if it's not possible to make use of hardware and still follow the X protocol, keep in mind that an awful lot of graphics is done in object-oriented systems. It is common to deal with shapes as objects and to allow them to be bordered, unbordered, or have the border a different color than the region it contains. An addition to our application, FIG and OOPS come to mind. Interestingly, both FIG and OOPS bypass almost all of the X high-level graphics, instead using X as a point-by-point system. I'm hoping not to have to go to that level for our application. Jim Frost Associative Design Technology
bzs@Encore.COM (Barry Shein) (01/01/89)
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the current fill policy equivalent to using CoordModePrevious with the first point (p0) satisfying MIN(x,y) and adding (1,1) to p0(x,y) before filling to shift it? (I realize not all the Fill calls use mode, but let's ignore that for the moment)? If that's so it seems Jim Madd's proposal to allow FillWithinPath/FillIncludingPath or not is sound since the problem that the protocol claims to solve now is fairly easily solved by the above operation with FillIncludingPath whereas it's the current approach which makes it hard to FillWithinPath for arbitrary shapes. Like I said, I could be missing something, but I did get bit by this also (just yesterday), the "fix" is rather ugly. -Barry Shein, ||Encore||
rws@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Bob Scheifler) (01/01/89)
considering the description of each in the manual, this is not surprising -- it reads very much like IBM's _Principles_Of_Operation_ Documenting this stuff is hard. If you have constructive suggestions (viz. prose) for improving it, by all means send it to us. With this in mind, perhaps we should make a new GC field, say border_fill, with possible values FillWithinPath, FillIncludingPath, and FillPartialPath So now I'll get to second-level semantics. Are you sure you don't care that this tracks the line-width, that you're only interested in essentially one-pixel wide borders? (Have you ever seen a one-pixel wide line on a MegaScan display? I've drawn one, but I haven't seen it :-) Are you sure you don't want "inside" to mean "not including the pixels that would be drawn by the path outline using the current line-width"? Or are you sure that you wouldn't also like the capability of having the "outline" start at the path and go "outwards", rather than being centered on the path? I'm describing things that are rather difficult to implement, but again, I'm trying to make sure your proposal actually matches what you think you're actually proposing, and that you're satisfied with the way it turns out. >Can you explain >what "adjustments" I make to achieve that (I really don't want to have to >figure out how to decompose polygons to achieve it). Consider that I'm in exactly the same place. Fine. At least we now both understand that neither has "the" right answer. Silicon Graphics' hardware follows many of the X rules but would have real problems with the X polygon fill definition. I think the only way they'd be able to make use of their hardware currently would be to cause a fill inside a path and then draw the edges that X would have filled. I'm not sure this answered my question. Are you sure their hardware defines "inside" the same way? Are you sure they don't, for example, define the polygon edges with Bresenham lines? It is common to deal with shapes as objects and to allow them to be bordered, unbordered, or have the border a different color than the region it contains. Yes, but as I've said, I've yet to see a crisp definition (agreed to by many parties) of what constitute "borders" for objects.
dshr@SUN.COM (David Rosenthal) (01/01/89)
To my memory, I was the person in the X11 design team that argued most strongly for leaving the rules implementation-dependent, in order to allow the best possible use of available hardware. I lost the argument, and (with the experience of porting the MIT server, implementing the X11/NeWS server, and using both X11's pixel semantics and NeWS's continuous-space semantics) I now think it was best that I lost the argument. From the server implementor's point of view, the problem of adapting available hardware to ANY pixel-exact semantics specifications is severe. But filling is no worse than anything else. So the argument is not about fills, it is about whether pixel-exact semantics is appropriate for all the X drawing operators. From the client programmer's point of view, if you are going to have some drawing semantics pixel-exact, you must have them all pixel-exact. Anything else is a nightmare. When writing client code for X11, you need to know exactly which pixels will be hit and which will not. The sensible alternative to pixel-exact semantics is not leaving the semantics to the implementors, but PostScript-style semantics which specify graphics in a continuous not a discrete space. A graphics systems that leaves drawing semantics to the implementors is useless (believe me, I have been involved in doing this in my mis-spent youth with GKS). David.
madd@adt.UUCP (jim frost) (01/03/89)
>So now I'll get to second-level semantics. Are you sure you don't care >that this tracks the line-width, that you're only interested in essentially >one-pixel wide borders? [...] Are you >sure you don't want "inside" to mean "not including the pixels that would >be drawn by the path outline using the current line-width"? Or are you >sure that you wouldn't also like the capability of having the "outline" >start at the path and go "outwards", rather than being centered on the >path? Given that wide lines are centered on the path, I'd say "inside" should be whatever's inside and doesn't lie on the wide path. I wouldn't make the line go outward (or inward) from the path because complex polygons (your star, for example) would really be interesting if you did this. jim
rws@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Bob Scheifler) (01/03/89)
Given that wide lines are centered on the path, I'd say "inside" should be whatever's inside and doesn't lie on the wide path. OK, now another question. Wide lines in X are defined using the X fill rule, which you are now trying to make variable. So, when you say "doesn't lie on the wide path", what fill rule is supposed to be used to determine the set of pixels comprising the wide line?
madd@adt.UUCP (jim frost) (01/04/89)
>Ok, now another question. Wide lines in X are defined using the X >fill rule, which you are now trying to make variable. So, when you >say "doesn't lie on the wide path", what fill rule is supposed to be >used to determine the set of pixels comprising the wide line? I'm confused here. The manual says "The fill_rule defines what pixels are inside (drawn) for paths given in XFillPolygon requests." I believe you mean that fill_style is used to determine this. I would treat the path as the line drawn using FillSolid since any other method could leave a broken path. Obviously cap_style should be taken into consideration. Note: I have no idea if anyone else on xpert is discussing this since I'm not on the list. Please send a copy to if you are replying to this. Additionally, I get about ten bounces on everything I send to xpert -- several of which are bad addresses -- so someone might want to fix them. I will compile the bounces and email them to whomever maintains xpert if requested. jim
rws@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Bob Scheifler) (01/04/89)
I'm confused here. The manual says "The fill_rule defines what pixels are inside (drawn) for paths given in XFillPolygon requests." I believe you mean that fill_style is used to determine this. Oops, sorry, actually I meant what border_fill (your new field) gets used to define the wide outline?
We have a generic graphics toolkit. Its lack of specificity has already caused problems for users. For instance, the variation in the interpretation of coordinate arguments among X, QuickDraw, PostScript, and Windows makes it difficult to reliably draw a thick edge border within a given rectangle. We are forced to consider optional half thickness minor adjustments in the native coordinate system toward some ideal model, and/or a proliferation of virtual procedures. I would hesitate to recommend such fuzziness in the relatively lower level X standard. Perhaps where there is a large hardware advantage, access to its capabilities could be provided via extensions, to be used intelligently by higher level toolkits.
george@mnetor.UUCP (George Hart) (01/05/89)
> Given that wide lines are centered on the path, I'd say "inside" > should be whatever's inside and doesn't lie on the wide path. > >OK, now another question. Wide lines in X are defined using the X >fill rule, which you are now trying to make variable. So, when you >say "doesn't lie on the wide path", what fill rule is supposed to be >used to determine the set of pixels comprising the wide line? It would seem that specifying FillIncludingPath and not drawing the path itself would suffice. Incidentally, (in case anyone thinks that Jim's is an isolated case), I face the same dilemma that Jim does trying to move existing software from our current object based system to X. -- Regards.....George Hart, Computer X Canada Ltd. UUCP: {utzoo,uunet}!mnetor!george BELL: (416)475-8980
madd@adt.UUCP (jim frost) (01/05/89)
>actually I meant what border_fill (your new field) gets used >to define the wide outline? I don't understand the question. The border ought to be defined using the normal line description fields of the GC (line_width, line_style, join_style, cap_style) with the exception of fill_style which should be assumed to be FillSolid so that the border will be unbroken. I've given it some more thought and I don't think it would be necessary to add a new field. Instead, fill_rule could have the following values: EvenOddRule WindingRule UnborderedEvenOddRule UnborderedWindingRule BorderedEvenOddRule BorderedWindingRule I really like this idea better since there wouldn't be any changes to the structures. Another idea would be to treat fill_rule as a bit field. This would be backward compatible if you did something like the following: #define EvenOddRule 0x0 #define WindingRule 0x1 #define UnborderedRule 0x2 #define BorderedRule 0x4 jim
rws@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Bob Scheifler) (01/06/89)
I don't understand the question. The border ought to be defined using the normal line description fields of the GC Let me try again. You've said you want the border to be a wide line. The question is how the exact set of pixels comprising that line is defined. A wide line in the protocol is defined using the definition of what it means to fill a shape defined by an infinitely thin outline. You originally proposed changes to the rules so that there is variable semantics for whether pixels on the outline are "in" or "out". The proposal was later modified to apply to the "border" rather than the "outline". But, there is still the question as to whether the outline of the border is "in" or "out" of the border. George Hart has suggested: It would seem that specifying FillIncludingPath and not drawing the path itself would suffice. But I'm not sure I parse that correctly. If I take FillIncludingPath to mean that the outline of the border should be "in" the border, then that means I would "draw the [outline] itself", but George says "not". George also says Incidentally, (in case anyone thinks that Jim's is an isolated case), I face the same dilemma that Jim does trying to move existing software from our current object based system to X. and indeed, my question after all this is worked out is "Who else cares a whole lot about this, and why?".
rws@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Bob Scheifler) (01/06/89)
EvenOddRule WindingRule UnborderedEvenOddRule UnborderedWindingRule BorderedEvenOddRule BorderedWindingRule I really like this idea better since there wouldn't be any changes to the structures. Perhaps, but the two concepts seem rather orthogonal to me, and a real kludge to smash them together.
madd@adt.UUCP (jim frost) (01/07/89)
Ok, I understand what you mean now. I hadn't realized that the fill definition extended to lines as well, although I admit that this makes sense. Why should we have the proposed border_fill affect line drawing at all? If we don't, there isn't a problem with what's in the border and what's not. Just as the fill rule has no effect on lines, it would seem that my proposed addition need have no effect (unless I'm overlooking something, which is entirely possible -- am I?). >and indeed, my question after all this is worked out is "Who else cares >a whole lot about this, and why?". Who cares? At least two DEVELOPERS, both of which are doing object oriented graphical systems. They may not be the wave of the future but object oriented systems are very useful things, and it might be to X's advantage to make it easy (or at least easier) to write them. I might be missing the boat here but I thought the idea was to standardize the industry on a graphical environment. Making it difficult to do common things isn't going to help. We originally picked X as an environment because it would give us such a wide range of machines as a base after the port. Unfortunately it turns out to be easier to port to other systems than it is to get around some of the limitations of X. I'm trying very hard to correct this, not only for my own good but for that of the industry. jim
rws@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Bob Scheifler) (01/07/89)
Why should we have the proposed border_fill affect line drawing at all? We shouldn't necessarily. I'm just trying to get you to think through all the issues, so that the proposal really proposes what you want (and also so that you can begin to understand that design isn't always as simple as it seems). So, if border_fill doesn't apply to lines, I assume that means you're happy with the existing ("partial border") semantics for wide lines? Who cares? At least two DEVELOPERS, both of which are doing object oriented graphical systems. Geez, stay calm. I wasn't trying to write you off. I already know about you two developers, the question is whether there are more. I'm not trying to put down your idea, but for almost *any* idea I can probably find two people who think it's a good one; the question is whether there is reasonable consensus that it is a good idea. Making it difficult to do common things isn't going to help. True, but the hard part is figuring out what is "common". (For example, PostScript doesn't seem to provide a "fill-sans-strokepath" primitive.) That's why I'm asking the question of who else cares your proposed semantics.
madd@adt.UUCP (jim frost) (01/09/89)
>So, if border_fill doesn't apply to lines, I assume that means >you're happy with the existing ("partial border") semantics for wide lines? Sure, if someone else doesn't have problems with it. >the hard part is figuring out what is "common". Agreed. jim