[comp.windows.x] Difficulties with getting X.V11R3 going on a Vaxstation.

rws@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Bob Scheifler) (02/05/89)

Are you running vanilla 2.2?  If so, you need a new sg.o.  You can get one
by sending message to xstuff@expo.lcs.mit.edu, with subject:
	send etc sg.o.uuencode
and message body (assuming this reaches you directly):
	path ronb@natmlab.oz.au

richb@sunchat.UUCP (Rich Burridge) (02/05/89)

Please respond direct to Ron at the address given below, or
via the xpert mailing list / comp.windows.x newsgroup.

--- Forwarded mail from ronb@natmlab.dms.oz (Ron Baxter) 

From: ronb@natmlab.dms.oz (Ron Baxter)
Subject: Difficulties with getting X.V11R3 going on a Vaxstation.
Message-Id: <4725@natmlab.dms.oz>
Date: 30 Jan 89 15:39:26 GMT
Organization: CSIRO Maths and Stats & Applied Physics, Sydney, Australia

	Maybe someone can recognize what is the problem from the
	symptoms that I can describe, and give me a few pointers.

	The machine is a Vaxstation 2000 running ULTRIX 2.2, and I
	have altered SG_DMA_BUFSIZ in sys/sg_data.c as suggestd in

	Starting the server with xinit gets the cross cursor to
	appear (on a black background rather than grey stipple)
	and while processes are started for everything mentioned
	in .xinitrc (as seen from ps from another terminal) the
	only visible sign on the display is that xsetroot changes
	tha background color, and uwm beeps the bell.  But no
	xterm, xclock or xload windows appear.  Furthermore, the X
	process is chewing up lots of CPU time.  The cursor will
	track the mouse for a bit, then freezes and there are
	error messages about buffer overflow.

	So for the moment I am stumped.  We have got V11R3 going
	on Suns, so have some idea of working startup scripts --
	but we are not so familar with Vaxstations or Ultrix.

	So any hints you can offer will be greatly appreciated.

____           ____           Ron Baxter, CSIRO Div Maths & Stats,
 |  } /\ |\ |   |  }          PO Box 218, Lindfield, NSW, Australia.
 |-< {  }|\\|   |-<           Phone:	+61 2 467 6059		
 |  \ \/ | \|  _|__}          Email:	ronb@natmlab.oz.au

--- End of forwarded message from ronb@natmlab.dms.oz (Ron Baxter)