[comp.windows.x] X Conf Video Tapes?

jyee@eclair.berkeley.edu (James Yee) (02/06/89)

Does anyone know where one can get notes/video tapes of the recent 
X technical conference? ... Or should I be more patient?


James Yee
Programmable Network Prototyping System, EECS Dept., UCB
ARPA: jyee@eclair.berkeley.edu
TEL: (415)642-6731

converse@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Donna Converse) (02/11/89)

>  Does anyone know where one can get notes/video tapes of the recent 
>  X technical conference? ... Or should I be more patient?

Patience.  An announcement will be made to this
mailing list/newsgroup as soon as they are available.
That date will be some weeks from now.

Donna Converse