[comp.windows.x] Xhp probs

DEG41560@UA1VM.BITNET (Rob Smith) (02/15/89)

 I've been trying to get the Xhp widgets running. I have installed the
patches posted to the network recently, but I still have problems.

 1.) nothing in the Xhp/Xt directory compiles. Is this stuff really
necessary if you have libXt.a already?

 2.) I get lots of "XtNresize redefined" warnings when it compiles. Could
this have anything to do with . . .

 3.) almost all of the test programs (those in Xhp/test and Xhp/MButton)
fail with memory or segmentation faults. The only one that runs is the
imagedit test program.

Any suggestions are appreciated.  Note that I am on a VAXstation 2000, with
Ultrix and X11r3.


P.S. are there any general suggestions for getting programs that run under
Xqvss to run under Xqdss if they fail?  This question may deserve a second lett