[comp.windows.x] XUG update -Xhibition '89

harden@ics.COM (02/17/89)

There are still booths available. For information on 
exhibiting, contact Sarah Lummus at 617/547-0510 or

Those interested in Speaking should contact Aub Harden
at 617/547-0510 or harden@ics.com.

Attendee information is not available yet, to be added
to the mailing list, send your postal address to
xhibit@ics.com or call 617/547-0510.

We welcome all comments/criticisms/suggestions at
xhibit@ics.com or ...buita!ics!xhibit.

      Plans for Xhibition '89 are underway!

Registration information is not available as of yet, but if
you are interested in speaking, teaching a course, or exhibiting,
let me know.

Xhibition '89 will be held this June, the 25-28 at the San Jose 
Convention Center in California!  

Xhibition is an annual Trade Show and Technical Conference 
whose focus is the X Window System.  Last year's inaugural show 
was a huge success!  It was held at the Massachusetts Institute of 
Technology in Cambridge, MA, where we had over 1000 people attend, 
forcing us to close tutorial and seminar registration a week before 
the show.  

We had 41 vendors showing X related products and services, some 
shipping, some not.  Attendees visited the booths of the established 
industry giants- AT&T, Apollo, Apple, DEC, HP, IBM, Sony, Sun, 
Tektronix; and the X newcomers. 

Attendees enjoyed a level of technical excellence and accessibility
rare at today's shows.  Vendors were, in turn, given the most 
concentrated and sophisticated audience seen in some time. 

We will have over 40,000 square feet of exhibition space to work 
with this year- four times the space of Xhibition '88.  We expect 
virtually all of last year's  exhibitors to be showing again this 
year, along with many new faces.  This year, vendors will not be 
limited to a specific booth size, as was the case last year.  We 
also expect to see many more shipping products this year, though 
demonstrations of work-in-progress are certainly appropriate.  

Xhibition '88 Highlights

* Location- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA

* Over 1200 people attend Trade Exhibits, 800 attend Tutorials and Seminars

* Keynote Address- Alex Morrow, Director of Strategic Relations, 
  Open Software Foundation

* Keynote Address- Scott Hanson, Division Manager, System Software, 

* Forty-one vendors show X11 Products and Services

* Sony Microsystems announces the Xt-based Sony Widget Set for the public domain

* Digital announces DECwindows' XUI for Sun workstations

* Hewlett-Packard announces latest version of the Xt-based HP Widget
  Set for the public domain

* OSF announces Cambridge as site for OSF World Headquarters

* Tutorials on X, Xlib, Xt, Widget Writing, Andrew, InterViews

Xhibition '89 Forecast

* Location- San Jose Convention Center, CA

* Estimated 5,000 attendees

* Over 40,000 square feet of exhibition space

* Estimated 75 vendors to show X11 Products and Services

* Vendors will NOT be limited to a specific booth size

* Vendors may schedule seminars on proprietary products

* Increased media attention and coverage

* New Tutorial/Seminar scheduling system

* Birds-of-a-Feather Discussion Groups