[comp.windows.x] SunOS 4.0, X11R3 : Plea for xperfmon and andrew console patches

graham@tcom.stc.co.uk (Graham Bardsley) (02/20/89)

   Is there anyone out there that has patches to get xperfmon and/or the
andrew console application to run on SunOS 4.0 under X11R3? The data structures
have changed so much with the swap and page that I couldn't even start to think
of how to change them.

   Thanks in advance...

Graham Bardsley                                       Tel: +44 1 368 1234 x2739
<grahampb@tcom.stc.co.uk>                        ...{mcvax}!ukc!stc!eigg!graham
-- STC Telecoms, Oakleigh Road South, New Southgate, London, England N11 1HB --
      <<< What do you mean, only four lines for a .signature ??? >>

turner@daisy.UUCP (Jim Turner) (02/22/89)

Isreal Pinkus at intel (all of the mail I send him gets bounced so I can't
give you his email address) wrote the mods to xperfmon to run under
SunOS 4.0 on the 386i. I think that they also work on the Sun4 (I vaguely
remember recompiling and running it). They are in the West Coast X Archives
under R3.contrib/xperfmon.sun4_0.patch. As always send me email if you need
info on how to access the archives (uucp only, no ftp)

Don't take life too seriously, it ain't nohow permanent - Pogo
...{decwrl|ucbvax}!imagen!atari!daisy!turner (James M. Turner)