jonnyg@ROVER.UMD.EDU (Jon Greenblatt) (02/24/89)
I though it would be a help if I posted how I deal with my console window First here is my .xsession: xcalc -geometry +813+120 & xclock -analog -geometry 164x164-20-20 -bd white & xbiff -geometry -210-20 -rv & xload -geometry 237x93-3+3 -bw 1 -bd black & xterm -C -n Console -sb -geometry 60x15-5+372 -e tcsh -i -b do-cons & xsetroot -mod 2 2 uwm & exec xterm -geometry 80x50+1+1 -fn 9x15 -sb -sl 500 -n RoverLogin -ls The string do-cons is now bound to the first parameter in the console window shell. I use tcsh but all this should work under csh. In my .cshrc I do the following: if ($?TERM) then if ($TERM == "xterm") then ## Do your xterm stuff here alias xs 'set noglob; eval `resize`' endif endif if ($1 == "do-cons") then ## Do your console stuff here set prompt="<console> " endif It would be nice if xdm put up a console window when no one is logged on. I have to stay logged in in order to see console output on the screen. JonnyG.