[comp.windows.x] Looking for the WorldPort Cad program

jrg@Apple.COM (John R. Galloway) (02/24/89)

  Several years ago a 3D/solids modeling/drafting/architectural CAD program
was developed at the Universty of Rochester calld WorldView.  It was
written up in iether IEEE Computers or IEEE Computer Graphics and Appplications
and appeared to be a remarkable system, cabable of being used to design anything
from simple parts to a complete housing project. It was advertised as a design
assistant not just a drafting package and would (eventually) handle various
engineering analysis tasks, design rule checking (building codes), etc.

  It was being commercialized by the Aisa Computer Produts Division of the
Maedl Group Inc in Buffalo NY (I have alredy tried ny.wanted) under the
prodcut name of WorldPort.  At the time it was running on HP 9000's and VAX's
and I believe was being ported to X.  The phone number in my (now 3 year old
literature) has been disconnected.  Does anyone know about them or this
program?  Any pointers much appreciated, e-mail to apple!jrg perfered.  
apple!jrg	John R. Galloway, Jr.       contract programmer, San Jose, Ca

These are my views, NOT Apple's, I am a GUEST here, not an employee!!