DEG41560@UA1VM.BITNET (Rob Smith) (02/24/89)
Hi, I have asked this question before, but I thought I'd repost since someone may have figured it out by now. I would dig into the code myself, but I simply do not have the time. I cannot get a xwd image to my HP LaserJet. I am running X11R3 on a Mono (and on a color) VAXstation. I have tryed hpxpr from the distribution tape and from Expo. Both refuse to read the xwd file, and give an error about inability to read the window name. When I print out the window names length (by adding a print statement inside the hpxpr code), it comes out to be a very large number (millions). I have also tryed converting the image with the pbm utilities. This results in a garbled image on the LaserJet. I did get a note from someone who noted that this relates to a problem with the qvss, but I don't have any idea how to fix it. Is there anyone out there printing to a LaserJet? Are any of them using a VAXstation? Does anyone have any suggestions on fixing this problem? Any advice appreciated, Thanks, Rob.
campbelr@hpsel1.HP.COM (Bob Campbell) (02/25/89)
Use the pbm tools xwdtopbm and pbmtolj to convert into laserjet format. Then use the -oraw option to print the file. Bob Campbell Some times I wish that I could stop you from talking, when I hear the silly things you say. Hewlett Packard - Elvis Costello