[comp.windows.x] X11R3 xlsfonts doesn't

rbj@NAV.ICST.NBS.GOV (Root Boy Jim) (02/28/89)

? I have been having troubles getting the X11R3 server to work on a 
? color VAXstation 2000. we are running Ultrix 3.0FT.  When I try to test the
? server using xinit I get the following error messages:

? wupita # xinit -- Xqdss
? XIO:  fatal IO error 32 (Broken pipe) on X server ""
?       after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
?       The connection was probably broken by a server shutdown or KillClient.

Actually, my problem is related only by the error message. When I try
xlsfonts, I get the above error message.  Everything else
(almost) seems to work. I also have a problem with xfd only being able to
display fonts in the misc directory, but not in the 75dpi (which is what
the Sun uses) or the 100dpi directorys. I have done a mkfontdir in
all directorys and my DefaultFontPath should also be correct by default.
If I copy fonts from the 75dpi directory into misc and do another mkfontdir
I still can't see any of the new ones.

I have built the entire package from scratch several times,
sometimes by typing make World, sometimes by doing it manually. I run on
a Sun 3/180 SunOS 3.5 with the Sun.macros and site.def files shown below.
But first, a couple of questions. Is the FontCompilerFlags definition
correct? I have heard varying things about whether it was needed or not.
Does UseSunWindowsInServer have anything to do with it? And finally, there
is only an explicit mention of SunOS 3.4; the Sun.macros file in this case
is robust, doing things like `#if ... OSMajorVersion >= 4', but I can
easily envision someone testing for equality somewhere deep in the code
and screwing things up. Am I just paranoid? One last word: I got my
copy from mimsy.umd.edu and applied patches one and two, possibly three,
but definitely not fiasco four and beyond. None of them seem to address
the problem I'm having, so I don't think it's them.


 * If you change either of the following numbers, you will need to do a 
 * full build (make World) at the top of the sources....
#define SunOSPlatform     YES		/* set to NO if not running SunOS */
#define OSName            SunOS 3.5
#define OSMajorVersion    3
#define OSMinorVersion    5


/**/# platform:  $XConsortium: Sun.macros,v 1.52 88/10/23 11:00:55 jim Exp $
/**/# operating system:  OSName

#if SunOSPlatform && OSMajorVersion == 3 && OSMinorVersion <= 2
#define OptimizedCDebugFlags /* as nothing */

             AS = as
             CC = cc
            CPP = /lib/cpp
             LD = ld
           LINT = lint
        INSTALL = install
           TAGS = ctags
             RM = rm -f
             MV = mv
             LN = ln -s
         RANLIB = ranlib
             AR = ar clq
             LS = ls
       LINTOPTS = -axz
           MAKE = make

/* This defines the server you want */
#define XsunServer Xsun
/* #define Xplx Xplx */

/* define this as you like for normal library compilation */
#define LibraryDefines

/* define this as you like for server font support */
#define FontCompilerFlags	-t -p4

 * link in SunWindows support?
#define UseSunWindowsInServer	NO

#if UseSunWindowsInServer
#define SunWindowsDefines -DSUN_WINDOWS
#define SunWindowsDefines /* as nothing */

/* define this as you like for server compilation */
#if SunOSPlatform && OSMajorVersion >= 4
#define ServerDefines SunWindowsDefines -DINCLUDE_ALLOCA_H
#define ServerDefines SunWindowsDefines

/* -DTCPCONN allows TCP connections */
/* -DUNIXCONN allows Unix domain connections */
/* -DDNETCONN allows DECnet connections */

#define ConnectionFlags		-DTCPCONN -DUNIXCONN

 * override any parameters from site.def
#define ExpandManNames		YES	/* expand Xlib man page filenames */


/**/# site:  $XConsortium: site.def,v 1.16 88/10/12 10:30:24 jim Exp $

 *                                                                           *
 *			   SITE-SPECIFIC DEFINITIONS                         *
 *                                                                           *
 * Override any of the defaults in def.def here.  Use ifndef so that servers *
 * can override you if necessary:                                            *
 *                                                                           *
 *     #ifndef ABuildParameter                                               *
 *     #define ABuildParameter myvalue                                       *
 *     #endif                                                                *
 *                                                                           *
 * We strongly recommend that you don't change the installation directories  *
 * and just use symbolic links if you want things to be installed on a       *
 * different partition.  For example,                                        *
 *                                                                           *
 *     # cd directory_containing_X_distribution                              *
 *     # make World                                                          *
 *     # mkdir /otherdisk/X                                                  *
 *     # foreach i (bin lib include)                                         *
 *     >     mkdir /otherdisk/X/$i                                           *
 *     >     ln -s /otherdisk/X/$i /usr/$i/X11                               *
 *     > end                                                                 *
 *     # make install                                                        *
 *                                                                           *
 * Note on using DESTDIR:  If you want to install into a scratch directory   *
 * but will eventually move the tree back to the root, compile with DESTDIR  *
 * blank and install with "make install DESTDIR=directory".                  *
 *                                                                           *

 * place site-specific definitions here
#ifndef InstallxinitConfig
#define InstallxinitConfig	YES	/* install sample xinit config */
#ifndef InstallxdmConfig
#define InstallxdmConfig	YES	/* install sample xdm config */
#ifndef ManDirectoryRoot
#define ManDirectoryRoot /usr/local/man		/* if not set in .macros */
#ifndef ManSuffix
#define ManSuffix	1		/* use just one tab or cpp will die */
#ifndef DefaultUserPath			/* for xdm */
#define DefaultUserPath :/usr/ucb:/bin:/usr/bin:$(BINDIR)
#ifndef DefaultSystemPath		/* for xdm */
#define DefaultSystemPath /etc:/usr/etc:/usr/ucb:/bin:/usr/bin:$(BINDIR)

Am I doing something wrong?

	Nilbert T Bignum <rbj@nav.icst.nbs.gov>
	NTSI: Never Twice the Same Institute

jim@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Jim Fulton) (02/28/89)

> I also have a problem with xfd only being able to
> display fonts in the misc directory, but not in the 75dpi (which is what
> the Sun uses) or the 100dpi directorys.

Do you mean that you tried:

	xfd -adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--10-100-75-75-m-60-iso8859-1

and it spat back a usage message because you forgot to give it the -fn
flag to indicate that -ado... isn't an command line option:

	xfd -fn -adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--10-100-75-75-m-60-iso8859-1

Or that plain old


didn't list any of the new fonts at all?  Did 

	xset q

show that the 75dpi and 100dpi directories were in the font path?  Also,
perhaps unrelated, but some sites have reported problems with hostent structs
not agreeing with their libraries.

>                                 Is the FontCompilerFlags definition
> correct? I have heard varying things about whether it was needed or not.

It is obsolete.

>                                                        And finally, there
> is only an explicit mention of SunOS 3.4; the Sun.macros file in this case
> is robust, doing things like `#if ... OSMajorVersion >= 4', but I can
> easily envision someone testing for equality somewhere deep in the code
> and screwing things up. Am I just paranoid?

The default of 3.4 is because that is what expo was running at the time of the
release.  The OSMajorVersion and OSMinorVersion are used by various Imakefiles
to determine whether or not to do things like turn off the optimizer or use
/usr/etc/getty instead of /etc/getty.  We've heard folks who are running 4.0
claim that setting the version numbers worked for them.