[comp.windows.x] IBM and X windows

schwartz@shire.cs.psu.edu (Scott Schwartz) (03/03/89)

In article <8903012124.AA12575@expo.lcs.mit.edu>, DAN@YKTVMV writes:
>It is clear that AIX does and will continue to support X. In fact
>the current implementation is quite good and uptodate, i.e. R3. 

And what about AOS (aka BSD)?  Will IBM be shipping R3 for it's unix
users?  Currently all we can get out of IBM is R2, and are _not_
happy.  Half a year has been enought time to do the upgrade, assuming
IBM is still planning on supporting AOS.

>Walt Daniels
>IBM Research
>(Except for the last paragraph, all opinions above are mine and
>not necessarily those of IBM)
Scott Schwartz		<schwartz@shire.cs.psu.edu>

aad@stpstn.UUCP (Anthony A. Datri) (03/05/89)

In article <4332@psuvax1.cs.psu.edu> schwartz@shire.cs.psu.edu (Scott Schwartz) writes:
>In article <8903012124.AA12575@expo.lcs.mit.edu>, DAN@YKTVMV writes:
>>It is clear that AIX does and will continue to support X. In fact
>>the current implementation is quite good and uptodate, i.e. R3. 

"good" is quite subjective, but it certainly isn't "complete".  I have problems
with aixterm, which I've docmented before.  I also have problems getting things
to work when run from other machines.  For example, when I do a "bitmap
/tmp/foo" from a Sun to the display (a megapel) on an RT with IBM's 11.3, I get
'bitmap:  unable to open font "variable"'.  I haven't checked yet to see whose
fault this is, but I would think think that a decent implementation of MIT's
distribution would work, regardless.  Running "puzzle -picture mandrill.cm"
produces some quite odd effects.  Things like xdm and the man pages are just
plain missing.  If/when I can get 2.2.1 and nfs, I'll try to build these things
out of MIT sources.

>And what about AOS (aka BSD)?  Will IBM be shipping R3 for it's unix
>users?  Currently all we can get out of IBM is R2, and are _not_
>happy.  Half a year has been enought time to do the upgrade, assuming
>IBM is still planning on supporting AOS.

According to the MIT 11.3 distribution, you should be able to build and run
the MIT distribution under ACIS/AOS.  I know that people at the ITC (CMU) are
running X11 of some sort under it.
@disclaimer(Any concepts or opinions above are entirely mine, not those of my
	    employer, my GIGI, my VT05, or my 11/34)
beak is@>beak is not
Anthony A. Datri @SysAdmin(Stepstone Corporation) aad@stepstone.com stpstn!aad

schwartz@shire.cs.psu.edu (Scott Schwartz) (03/05/89)

I write:
>>And what about AOS (aka BSD)?  Will IBM be shipping R3 for it's unix
>>users?  Currently all we can get out of IBM is R2, and are _not_
>>happy.  Half a year has been enought time to do the upgrade, assuming
>>IBM is still planning on supporting AOS.

In article <2869@stpstn.UUCP>, aad@stpstn (Anthony A. Datri) writes:
>According to the MIT 11.3 distribution, you should be able to build and run
>the MIT distribution under ACIS/AOS.  I know that people at the ITC (CMU) are
>running X11 of some sort under it.

Sorry, I should have been clearer about this.  Someone here did try to
build the MIT R3 distribution of under AOS.  The resulting server was
buggy enough that we had to revert to R2.  Since IBM will not release
the source for their 8514 driver (which is mostly what we have around
here) we can't fix it ourselves.

Anyway, as I said before, if IBM is really supporting AOS and X11 as
products, why didn't THEY fix it, and ship the fixes to their many
anxious customers??  (At one point we were told that they were not
planning to release R3, or to ship new drivers.  Later we were told
other things.  Who knows what is really going to happen?)
Scott Schwartz		<schwartz@shire.cs.psu.edu>


Reply to Anthony Datri
If you don't have 2.2.1 and yet have X11 you must be running
some prerelease beta code. I know that there were many
problems during the development and that in fact the version
that comes in the distribution also needs fixes which are
available through the normal channels for fixes. It probably
does no good to post problems here as the development group
does not read this reliably. If I happend to notice something
I usually try to pass it on to the developers. The way to get
problems fixed is to call the service number or your

I do not know the official party line on AOS, but the version
of X on the R3 tape should work (modulo bugs).

palowoda@megatest.UUCP (Bob Palowoda) (03/07/89)

From article <8903061723.AA10947@expo.lcs.mit.edu>, by DAN@YKTVMV.BITNET:
> Reply to Anthony Datri
> If you don't have 2.2.1 and yet have X11 you must be running
> some prerelease beta code. I know that there were many
> problems during the development and that in fact the version
> that comes in the distribution also needs fixes which are
> available through the normal channels for fixes. It probably
> does no good to post problems here as the development group
> does not read this reliably. If I happend to notice something
> I usually try to pass it on to the developers. The way to get
> problems fixed is to call the service number or your
> salesman.

   Excuse me but a large number of people read these types of articles
   to find out what other problems others have with different 
   implementations of X-windows. They are not taken at face value
   and many post a follow up article. Did you ever call a salesperson
   of some software company and ask them if they have any problems 
   with there software? 

   I think you and Anthony are doing potential customers a favor.
   Keep up the good work.


> I do not know the official party line on AOS, but the version
> of X on the R3 tape should work (modulo bugs).
 Bob Palowoda                               
 Work: {sun,decwrl,pyramid}!megatest!palowoda                           
 Home: {sun}ys2!fiver!palowoda                
 BBS:  (415)796-3686 2400/1200   Voice:(415)745-7749