[comp.windows.x] Final verdict on third party TCP/IP products as transport

JAMISON@campus.swarthmore.EDU ("John L. Jamison x8508") (03/19/89)

So what's the final verdict on using third party IP products as X transport
layers?  Here we have two alternatives, among our VAX/VMS and Sun hosts.

1) Wollongong TCP/IP runs on some of the VMS systems
2) Sunlink DNI runs on the Sun systems.

Can either of these be used?

I would appreciate any and all information that can be offered.  I'll
summarize to these lists.

Thanks in advance,

John Jamison                            jamison@campus.swarthmore.edu
System and Network Manager              jamison@swarthmr.bitnet
Swarthmore College
Swarthmore, PA 19081