[comp.windows.x] re -asking ...

todd%sfsu1.hepnet@LBL.GOV (03/21/89)

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Date:    Mon, 27 Feb 89 16:05:30 PST
From: uunet!lbl.gov!todd%sfsu1.hepnet
Subject: resizing with uwm under x11
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu
I have not been able to get uwm to re-size windows i created in a program.
Uwm tries -- it makes an outline of the new size, but when the mouse button is released, nothing happens. Re -sizing works fine on hpterm windows and utilities programs that have windows, so i must be missing something...
Oh, btw, we are running hpX11 on hp9000 workstations, and im programming in g++, and using only Xlib functions.
any suggestions?