[comp.windows.x] Xt Inrinsics, how to get a pull down Menu widget

mat60@uts.amdahl.com (Mark Thomas) (03/22/89)

I am gaving problems getting a popup widget to act like a
pull down widget.  (like the Mac)  I was trying to use a shell
widget and that gives me a whole new window for me to try and place.
Do I use a shell widget and tell the window manager to place it
under the button and not have a titile bar? or am I barking up
the wrong tree.

if you can respond, a little code would be helpful as an example.
WE don't have contrib/Menus on our tape distribution.
Thanks in advance.
UUCP:  mat60@uts.amdahl.com
  or:  {sun,decwrl,hplabs,pyramid,seismo,oliveb}!amdahl!mat60
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