[comp.windows.x] CLX documentation..

natraj@hi3.aca.mcc.com.UUCP (Natraj Arni) (08/04/88)

Hi !
Is there any documentation provided for CLX ?
I would appreciate if someone could e-mail it
or tell me where I could get it. While I am
at it, are there any sample programs out there
in net land for CLX (I have the hello.l and menu.l :-)) ?

-- natraj


-Natraj Arni
ARPA: natraj@mcc.com
UUCP: {ihnp4,seismo,ctvax}!ut-sally!im4u!milano!hi3.aca.mcc.com!natraj

ta-ari@CUNIXB.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU (Ari Shamash) (03/22/89)

Can somebody tell me where I can find documentation for CLX?  I've
heard that it exists, but I haven't been able to find it anywhere..

Thanks in advance,

INTERNET:  ta-ari@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu	      See no evil,
BITNET:    ta-ari@cunixc.bitnet			       Hear no evil,
UUCP:      ...!rutgers!columbia!cunixc!ta-ari		Speak no evil.

rws@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Bob Scheifler) (03/22/89)

    Can somebody tell me where I can find documentation for CLX?  I've
    heard that it exists, but I haven't been able to find it anywhere..

Date: Fri, 24 Feb 89 19:34:58 CST
From: Mikie <myjak@home.csc.ti.com> (Michael D. Myjak)

A newer version of the preliminary CLX document can be found on
csc.ti.com:~ftp/pub/clx.doc (and clx.doc.Z for the compressed

Please feel free to use anonymous ftp to grab a copy of this
*preliminary* document. Look for a complete version to be available
around the end of next month. Tech-pubs will be generating the
official copy, but, alas, the format will not be compatible for
FTP. I will post again when and where hard copies will be available.