[comp.windows.x] Has anyone worked on "xfax" from X10?

gnu@hoptoad.uucp (John Gilmore) (03/29/89)

I'm trying to get some fax handling freeware together for Unix.
Someone referred me to "xfax", which I obtained; but it's written
in CLU and assembler.  I can certainly try converting it (or just
write my own fax->bitmap or fax->xwindow stuff from scratch), but
wondered if anyone has already saved me the trouble.  So far it's
the closest thing I've found to a portable fax->bitmap filter (sigh).

Thanks, and please respond by email since I don't usually have time
to read the X news.
John Gilmore    {sun,pacbell,uunet,pyramid,amdahl}!hoptoad!gnu    gnu@toad.com
"Use the Source, Luke...."
Copyright 1989 John Gilmore; you may redistribute only if your recipients may.