[comp.windows.x] translations maze

devin@lucid.com (Matthieu Devin) (03/30/89)

After hours trying to understand what's going on with translations, I give up
and request Experts' magic..

I put the following translations inside my .Xdefaults file:

    :Ctrl<Key>d:                 delete-next-character() \n\
    :Meta<Key>d:                 kill-word() \n\
    :<Key>Escape,:<Key>d:        delete-next-word() \n\
    :<Key>:                      insert-char()

this should associate actions with control-d, meta-d, the sequence Escape d,
and the lonely key d.

If you try it you won't get any actions for d, although the 3 other ones work.

I must be missing something trivial here, but from reading the doc I can't find

Can someone help me?

Thanks in advance


Oops I almost forgot: 
   Sun 3/160, OS 3.2, GCC, Monochrome, TWM, Fixes 1-8, Purdue 1 & 3.

Matthieu Devin               Lucid Inc, 707 Laurel Street, Menlo Park, CA 94025
devin@lucid.com              (415)329-8400 x 5574

devin@LUCID.COM (Matthieu Devin) (03/31/89)

>>    I put the following translations inside my .Xdefaults file:
>>        xedit*Text.translations:\
>>        :Ctrl<Key>d:                 delete-next-character() \n\
>>        :Meta<Key>d:                 kill-word() \n\
>>        :<Key>Escape,:<Key>d:        delete-next-word() \n\
>>        :<Key>:                      insert-char()
>I think you need to say which key on the last one.
>	:<Key>d:insert-char()    

In fact it is even easier to break. I think (hoping I'm wrong) that the
event-sequence mechanism is somewhat buggy.

If I put the following translaytions in my .Xdefaults, I will loose the d key
when not preceded by the a key:

        <Key>a,<Key>d:          insert-char() \n\
        <Key>:                  insert-char() \n\

If I add a specific translation for d everything works (this could be
considered a turn around):

        <Key>a,<Key>d:          insert-char() \n\
        <Key>d:                 insert-char() \n\
        <Key>:                  insert-char()

But I don't want to add a translation for every possible key I want to use
preceded by an other one.

Consider the following case (which leaded me to this bug):

        <Key>Escape,<Key>a:     do-a-command() \n\
        <Key>Escape,<Key>b:     do-another-command() \n\
        <Key>Escape,<Key>:      ring-the-bell() \n\
        <Key>:                  insert-char()
I understood that this would bind some escape-sequences to some commands and
that other escape sequences would ring a bell. But with the preceding bug (?)
the translation:

        <Key>Escape,<Key>:      ring-the-bell() \n\

Catches all the keys, not only the one preceded by an Escape.
So I loose everything there. The turn around would be to add translations for
every possible key... how sad...

Matthieu Devin               Lucid Inc, 707 Laurel Street, Menlo Park, CA 94025
devin@lucid.com              (415)329-8400 x 5574

kit@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Chris D. Peterson) (03/31/89)

[ Donna Converse writes:]

> >I think you need to say which key on the last one.
> >	:<Key>d:insert-char()    

[ Matt Devin replies]

> In fact it is even easier to break. I think (hoping I'm wrong) that the
> event-sequence mechanism is somewhat buggy.

There is some good news and bad news here.  The good news is that the
current MIT implemention seems to match the specification which states that
this type if thing will work:

xedit*Text.translations: #override			\n\
        <event1>, <event2>:                <action1> \n\
        <event3>:                          <action2>

If Event2 is exactly the same as Event3 then the specification is 
very clear about what happens.  If event2 is immediately preceeded 
by event1 then action1 will be used.  If event2 is not immediately 
preceeded by event1 then action2 will be used.

Now the bad news...

The specification says nothing about what happens if event3 is a more
general case of event2, as in the example given when event2 is "<Key>d" and
event3 is "<Key>".  What is currently happening is that action2 is
never executed on an event2 that is not immediately preceeded by event1.

It seems that this is not so much a bug as a case that was overlooked by the
Xt specification.  Getting this changed will probabally require a formal
change to the specification.

						Chris D. Peterson     
						MIT X Consortium /
						Project Athena 

Net:	kit@athena.mit.edu		
Phone: (617) 253 - 1326			
USMail: MIT - Room E40-321
	77 Massachusetts Ave.		
	Cambridge, MA 02139