[comp.windows.x] XtReparentWidget

yong@metasoft.UUCP (Yongdeng Chen) (03/30/89)

Hi there,
	I have a drawing program under development.  And I am
going to use TextWidget to edit the labels and texts.  It would
be very expensive to keep all the TextWidget around for each text
or label.  It would also be very expensive to keep on creating and
destroying the text widget.  So I decided to have just one TextWidget
for editing texts and labels.  There is no problem if there is
only one diagram drawing widget.  But, my program will have many
diagram drawing widgets from time to time.
	So I would like to have a function some thing like
XtReparentWidget to move the text widget from one diagram drawing
widget to another.
	Has anyone written that function already?
	If I want to writing my own function for that, what are
the short cuts, cautions and advises that I should know ?
	How messy would that be to write such a function ?
	Thanks in advance for your suggestions, advises, and answers!

Yongdeng Chen
Meta Software Corporation
150 Cambridge Park Drive
Cambridge, MA 02140

meo@stiatl.UUCP (Miles O'Neal) (03/31/89)

In article <8903300045.AA28710@metasoft.uucp> yong@metasoft.UUCP (Yongdeng Chen) writes:
>Hi there,
>	So I would like to have a function some thing like
>XtReparentWidget to move the text widget from one diagram drawing
>widget to another.
>	Has anyone written that function already?
>	If I want to writing my own function for that, what are
>the short cuts, cautions and advises that I should know ?
>	How messy would that be to write such a function ?
>	Thanks in advance for your suggestions, advises, and answers!

Wouldn't we all like this one! But, alas, "they" say it's major-league
non-trivial. A suggestion (proven in real-life use by actual X11

1) You create the TW (textWidget) as a child of root, pointed to by a global
2) Unmap it.
3) Invocation:
   a) create/map/whatever the new "pseudo-parent" (PP).
   b) convert the PP-relative (x,y) for the TW to root-relative (x,y).
   c) using XtSetValues (), stuff the result of (b) into the TW Args.
   d) add a callback to or override the actions/translations of the TW with
      a routine specific to the PP that will perform the necessary
      processing (the TW ptr being in the Widget field of the callback
      or action routine).
   e) if you use a callback, be sure that each PP tells the widget to
      forget the old callback before adding its own.
   f) map the TW.
4) the code to unmap/destroy/etc the PP needs to also unmap the TW. You
   might want to perform (3e) at this point as well.

Yes, it's a little hackish, but it works, is very flexible, and should
work through all versions of X11 until someone does write a reparenter
(probably after some serious reworking of Xt widget-instantiation).

If you have problems getting the TW to show above the parent, play
around with Raising the PW. You may (at least under X11R2, have to
also do XFlush's, clear the event queue, etc, before Raising the TW,
to assure that some other event (such as MapRaise the PP) doesn't
happen after the Map of the TW in such a way as to interfere.



mike@cosmos.acs.calpoly.edu (Mike Patnode) (04/04/89)

In article <8903300045.AA28710@metasoft.uucp> yong@metasoft.UUCP (Yongdeng Chen) writes:
>Hi there, ... (why I want to reparent a widget)

A very general, but hacked solution is to copy a widget into the new
location, and destroy the old one.  I've been working on a specific
CopyWidget routine which depends upon our program knowing about
all the attributes for each widget.

Before I reinvent the wheel, I was wondering if anybody already had some
sort of general XtCopyWidget routine which could copy an arbitrary
widget.  Any ideas on what this would involve.  Does the Toolkit contain
enough information in itself about each widget?  This would be a simple
solution to the reparent problem.

Mike "Dodger" Patnode          | (n)   ..csustan!polyslo!mpatnode 
Yitbos Innovations Inc.        | (s)   ..sdsu!polyslo!mpatnode 
244 California Blvd            |         mpatnode@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU
San Luis Obispo, Ca  92630     | (805) 541-2048 / 543-9818 / 756-2516

eco@ece-csc.UUCP (ECO) (04/05/89)

Hi.  We need to get a copy of the X11R2 version of xterm.  We don't have the
space to get the whole R2 release just for the xterm software.  Could someone
out there mail us a copy or point us towards a FTP source?  Thanks a million!

email: johnson%eceugs@ncsuvx.ncsu.edu 

diamant@hpfclp.SDE.HP.COM (John Diamant) (04/06/89)

> I was wondering if anybody already had some
> sort of general XtCopyWidget routine which could copy an arbitrary
> widget.  Any ideas on what this would involve.  Does the Toolkit contain
> enough information in itself about each widget?  This would be a simple
> solution to the reparent problem.

The Toolkit does contain enough information.  The size of a widget w can
be obtained as follows:


With that, you can malloc up a suitable sized chunk of memory and do a raw
memory copy using bcopy to the new location.  Examples of this appear in
the Toolkit code already (in Resources.c).  So, a general XtCopyWidget
routine, would in fact, be very easy to write (about 4 lines of code).
In fact, here it is (untested):

Widget XtCopyWidget(w)
Widget w;
	int widgetSize = XtClass(w)->core_class.widget_size;
	Widget new = (Widget) XtMalloc(widgetSize);

	bcopy((char *) w, (char *) new, widgetSize);
	return new;

John Diamant
Software Engineering Systems Division
Hewlett-Packard Co.		ARPA Internet: diamant@hpfclp.sde.hp.com
Fort Collins, CO		UUCP:  {hplabs,hpfcla}!hpfclp!diamant

bwarkent@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (Brian Warkentine) (04/08/89)

In article <9740088@hpfclp.SDE.HP.COM> diamant@hpfclp.SDE.HP.COM (John Diamant) writes:
>The Toolkit does contain enough information.  The size of a widget w can
>be obtained as follows:
>    XtClass(w)->core_class.widget_size;
>With that, you can malloc up a suitable sized chunk of memory and do a raw
>memory copy using bcopy to the new location.  

  On the contrary, this is not general at all.  What if the widget has
  non-core part data?  Also, if such a widget could be created you'd need
  a mechanism to inform the parent that a child has been created behind
  it's back.

  As Mike said in <9941@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU> the solution we've come up
  with is to destroy one widget and create another, copying all the 
  resources from one to the other.

  I don't believe it would be a major redesign in the toolkit to provide
  this, but it would be a hefty chuck of implementation changes to work 

>John Diamant

Brian Warkentine                                   Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA

diamant@hpfclp.SDE.HP.COM (John Diamant) (04/10/89)

> >The Toolkit does contain enough information.  The size of a widget w can
> >be obtained as follows:
> >
> >    XtClass(w)->core_class.widget_size;
> >
> >With that, you can malloc up a suitable sized chunk of memory and do a raw
> >memory copy using bcopy to the new location.  
>   On the contrary, this is not general at all.  What if the widget has
>   non-core part data?

I don't see how this has anything to do with it.  The widget_size is filled
in with the size of the entire widget record, not the size of the CorePart,
so it will copy all data in the widget.

>   Also, if such a widget could be created you'd need
>   a mechanism to inform the parent that a child has been created behind
>   it's back.

Well, yes.  It is not general in that sense.  In fact, someone else pointed
out via mail that this will cause trouble if there are pointers in the
structure as both widgets would write to common data.  That's true, but I
was only attempting to answer a question in the original note which said
that the original would be destroyed after the copy was made, so it
shouldn't have mattered much.  I never understood how this was supposed
to solve the reparenting problem.  It appears to me that it does not.

John Diamant
Software Engineering Systems Division
Hewlett-Packard Co.		ARPA Internet: diamant@hpfclp.sde.hp.com
Fort Collins, CO		UUCP:  {hplabs,hpfcla}!hpfclp!diamant