[comp.windows.x] xwd to postscript again

page@ferrari.ece.uiuc.edu (Ward Page) (04/21/89)

Thanks to everyone who sent me the xpr suggestion.  However, I failed to mention
that I am running xwd and xpr under X10.4 not X11.  Under my version of xpr
-dev lw or ps is not supported (I am running Ultrix 2.?).  Therefore, is there
a filter that converts an X10.4 xwd to postscript, OR an X10 version of xpr that
supports -dev ps or lw, OR a conversion program that takes X10 xwd dumps and
converts them to X11 xwd format (I have access to an X11 system with xpr).
Again, any help is greatly appreciated.

Ward Page
University of Illinois

erc@pai.UUCP (Eric Johnson) (04/21/89)

In article <843@garcon.cso.uiuc.edu>, page@ferrari.ece.uiuc.edu (Ward Page) writes:
> Thanks to everyone who sent me the xpr suggestion.  However, I failed to mention
> that I am running xwd and xpr under X10.4 not X11.  Under my version of xpr
> -dev lw or ps is not supported (I am running Ultrix 2.?).  Therefore, is there
> a filter that converts an X10.4 xwd to postscript, OR an X10 version of xpr that
> supports -dev ps or lw, OR a conversion program that takes X10 xwd dumps and
> converts them to X11 xwd format (I have access to an X11 system with xpr).
> Again, any help is greatly appreciated.
> Ward Page
> University of Illinois
> page@ferrari.ece.uiuc.edu

Try Jef Poskanzer's PBM code.  PBM is an ASCII-based monochrome image
format.  The PBM package (which was distributed over Usenet) contains
a number of programs to convert various formats to PBM and then to
convert PBM images to various formats.

The way it works is this:

1) Use xwd to get an xwd image file for a window under X10 (PBM also
converts X11 xwd format).

2) Use xwdtopbm to convert your xwd image to PBM format,

% xwdtopbm foo.xwd > foo.pbm

3) Use pbmtops to convert the PBM file to PostScript.  (I don't have
a PostScript printer, so your mileage may vary.)

% pbmtops foo.pbm > foo.ps

4) Click your heels together and repeat "there's no place like home,"
"there's no place like home."

I hope this helps.  PBM was distributed over Usenet at least once.
It is also available for anon. FTP, I think.  The X11 R3 release
from the MIT X Consortium also had a version of PBM.  Since you said
you have access to X11, look there first.  I'm running a rather old
version ( 31 Oct 88), so I suggest you find the latest and greatest.

In the README, Jef Poskanzer's email address was:



{ucbvax, lll-crg, sun!pacbell, apple, hplabs}!well!pokey

Good luck and have fun,

Eric F. Johnson          | Phone +1 612-894-0313             | Are we
Prime Automation,Inc     | UUCP:   bungia!pai!erc            | having
12201 Wood Lake Drive    | UUCP:   sun!tundra!pai!erc        | fun
Burnsville, MN 55337 USA | DOMAIN: erc@pai.mn.org            | yet?