Rick.Kazman@CAD.CS.CMU.EDU (05/01/89)
I have the following problem, and I assume that it's because I'm overlooking something incredibly obvious (as usual). I am using a text widget to both display text and to enter text into (i.e., the contents of the buffer can be changed by either the user or the program). I allocate a text buffer and pass its address to the widget. When the program changes the contents of the text buffer, it simply redraws the widget, and the new data appears, as expected. However, when the *user* enters a string of a certain size, say one character, it seems that X then thinks that that is the length of the text buffer, even when the program attempts to set the length to something different, by setting XtNlength. So, in this case, when the program then tries to display a longer string in the text buffer, only the first character of it appears. So, my question is, why does X think that it knows where the end of the string is, and how can I override this behavior? Oh yes, I'm running X11R3 on a Sun/3. Thanks. rick