[comp.windows.x] patch to x10tox11 to fix font width computation

envbvs@epb2.lbl.gov (Brian V. Smith) (05/05/89)

Sorry if this has already been solved, but here is a patch to x10tox11
protocol converter to compute correct font widths.  The current version
of x10tox11 is apparently based on R2 fonts and incorrectly uses the
(rbearing - lbearing) calculation to calculate character spacing.
Thanks to the article that Jim Fulton posted about ink metrics, I was
able to change x10to x11 to use the (obvious) "width" component of the
font structure.

*** x10tox11/proto4.c.orig      Tue Oct 11 15:10:42 1988
--- x10tox11/proto4.c   Fri May  5 08:53:59 1989
*** 112,119

        fstruct = finfo->info;
        rep->param.s[0] = finfo->ascent + finfo->descent;/* height */
!       rep->param.s[1] = fstruct->max_bounds.rbearing  /* "average" width */
!                       - fstruct->max_bounds.lbearing;
        rep->param.s[2] = fstruct->min_char_or_byte2;   /* 1st character */
        rep->param.s[3] = fstruct->max_char_or_byte2;   /* last character */
        rep->param.s[4] = finfo->descent;               /* baseline */

--- 112,118 -----

        fstruct = finfo->info;
        rep->param.s[0] = finfo->ascent + finfo->descent;/* height */
!       rep->param.s[1] = fstruct->max_bounds.width;    /* max width * /
        rep->param.s[2] = fstruct->min_char_or_byte2;   /* 1st character */
        rep->param.s[3] = fstruct->max_char_or_byte2;   /* last character */
        rep->param.s[4] = finfo->descent;               /* baseline */
*** 273,279
                if (fillBackground) {
                        XTextExtents(fp->info, string, length, &direction,
                                &junkAscent, &junkDescent, &overall);
!                       xExtent = overall.rbearing - overall.lbearing;
        } else {
            index = 0;

--- 272,278 -----
                if (fillBackground) {
                        XTextExtents(fp->info, string, length, &direction,
                                &junkAscent, &junkDescent, &overall);
!                       xExtent = overall.width;
        } else {
            index = 0;
*** 325,331
                if (fillBackground) {
                    XTextExtents(fp->info, pitem->chars, pitem->nchars,
                            &direction, &junkAscent, &junkDescent, &overall);
!                   xExtent += overall.rbearing - overall.lbearing;
                    xExtent += pitem->delta;

--- 324,330 -----
                if (fillBackground) {
                    XTextExtents(fp->info, pitem->chars, pitem->nchars,
                            &direction, &junkAscent, &junkDescent, &overall);
!                   xExtent += overall.width;
                    xExtent += pitem->delta;

Brian V. Smith    (bvsmith@lbl.gov)
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

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