[comp.windows.x] Graph Layouts?

sridhar@hpclada.HP.COM (Sridhar Ramakrishnan) (05/16/89)

I am interested in looking into the problem of good graph-layout algorithms.
While the specific problem I am trying to solve is not important, I thought
that there may be some validity in examining the problem from the perspective
of determining the coordinates of N points that satisfy some constraints. 
Some of the constraints could be:
	a) minimum area occupied by the N points,
	b) minimum path length,
	c) minimum overlap of arcs between nodes,
	d) maximum length of an arc, etc

If you look at the constraints, the problem starts looking a lot like 
circuit layout algorithms, which I KNOW exist.  The question is can someone
give me a pointer to any alogrithms, or even better, existing code that solves
this problem.  Any additional insights are also welcome!

Since I am not a regular notes reader, I would appreciate any responses mailed
to me at:



markley@celece.ucsd.edu (Mike Markley) (05/18/89)

In article <3930006@hpclada.HP.COM> sridhar@hpclada.HP.COM (Sridhar Ramakrishnan) writes:
>I am interested in looking into the problem of good graph-layout algorithms.
>Some of the constraints could be:
>	a) minimum area occupied by the N points,
>	b) minimum path length,
>	c) minimum overlap of arcs between nodes,
>	d) maximum length of an arc, etc
me too!
Although I have access to a variety of IC layout and compaction
algorithms I would be interested in any other approaches.

Mike Markley
University of California, San Diego