[comp.windows.x] GCC 1.35 and X11

terry@eecea.eece.ksu.edu (Terry Hull) (05/18/89)

Has anyone tried to get X11R3 with the Purdue speedups compiled with
GCC 1.35 on a color Sun 3/60 running SunOS 3.5?  I've seen postings of
people getting it up with 1.34 but not 1.35.  Anyway, I started with
the vanilla R3 distribution, applied the 2.0 and 2.1 Purdue patches
and compiled with 1.35 of GCC.

Now when I try to start X, I get:

XIO     fatal IO error 32 (Broken pipe on X server unix:0.0)
        After 39 requests (29 known prcoessed) with 0 events remaining.
        The connection was probably broken by a server shutdown or

The only thing compiled with cc was oscolor.c.  When using GCC, it
complained about a recursive definition of the fetch macro.  

Any help that you could provide would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks
in advance for your time.

Terry Hull 
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kansas State University
Work:  terry@eecea.eece.ksu.edu, rutgers!ksuvax1!eecea!terry
Play:  tah386!terry@eecea.eece.ksu.edu, rutgers!ksuvax1!eecea!tah386!terry

terry@eecea.eece.ksu.edu (Terry Hull) (05/18/89)

In article <645@eecea.eece.ksu.edu> terry@eecea.eece.ksu.edu (Terry Hull) writes:
>Has anyone tried to get X11R3 with the Purdue speedups compiled with
>GCC 1.35 on a color Sun 3/60 running SunOS 3.5?  I've seen postings of
>people getting it up with 1.34 but not 1.35.  Anyway, I started with
>the vanilla R3 distribution, applied the 2.0 and 2.1 Purdue patches
>and compiled with 1.35 of GCC.

I received a suggestion via e-mail from rusty@garnet.berkeley.edu to
reduce the options in GCC to -O -traditional -fstrength-reduce and it
works!  I had been trying to use -finline-functions in addition to
these, and it sure seems to break the server.

Terry Hull 
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kansas State University
Work:  terry@eecea.eece.ksu.edu, rutgers!ksuvax1!eecea!terry
Play:  tah386!terry@eecea.eece.ksu.edu, rutgers!ksuvax1!eecea!tah386!terry

keith@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (05/21/89)

The X server on the sun should build fine with GCC 1.35; rms gave me a 
preliminary version (1.34.92) to test before he shipped 1.35.  I compiled
our entire core sources (R3++) -O -g -fstrength-reduce -fpcc-struct-return
and it ran without trouble.  We are now regularly building the X server
with GCC (as it nearly doubles the speed in monochrome) so you should 
expect fewer troubles with the next release of X (we just need to keep
making sure it compiles with the sun compiler as well.  Sigh).

You should probably not use -finline-functions; gcc has a funny idea
of "reasonable" inlinable functions; the sample server uses enough macros
where needed for performance to make the speedup from -finline-functions
negligable, while the code bloat is quite amazing.

Keith Packard
MIT X Consortium