[comp.windows.x] Help! XToolkit Question/Problem

spanki@spanki.almaden.ibm.com (06/11/89)

I'm working on an X11R3 application. We didn't have working widgets for awhile,
so we built the main windows ourselves. Now, we want to use some of the Athena
Widgets. I'm just trying to throw up a title bar, and I get an Xtoolkit Error
can't get per display.

the function is pretty simple,

void TitleBarCreate()
     static XtCallBackRec...


     XtSetArg( ...

     titleBar = XtCreateShell("progname", "progclass", commandWidgetCLass,
				display, arg, XtNumber(arg) );

      This is where it is dying. Everything compiles fine, but I get an
      XtToolkit Error: Can't find per display information.
      Is it possible to NOT have the toolkit do any of the startup stuff
      like opening the display, parsing caommand line etc...

      I've already done all that, I just want to use a few of the widgets

      for pop ups, and titlebars.... Is there a way to "trick" it into
      thinking that stuff was done by it?

      Have I just missed something??????

Frank Goodman

swick@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Ralph R. Swick) (06/12/89)

     Date:  11 Jun 89 02:51:17 GMT
     From:  ibmarc!spanki.almaden.ibm.com!spanki@uunet.uu.net
          titleBar = XtCreateShell("progname", "progclass", commandWidgetCLass,
     				display, arg, XtNumber(arg) );

           This is where it is dying. Everything compiles fine, but I get an
           XtToolkit Error: Can't find per display information.

There is no such procedure in our version of Xt.  The procedures
XtCreateApplicationShell and XtAppCreateShell both require the
widget class to be a subclass of Shell.
           Is it possible to NOT have the toolkit do any of the startup stuff
           like opening the display, parsing caommand line etc...

Yes; read section 2.1 of the R3 specification.

           I've already done all that, I just want to use a few of the widgets

You will still have to register your display with Xt and create a
shell widget before you will get much additional help from the Toolkit.