(Scott Northrop) (06/22/89)
I'm working on a sonar simulation toolkit, to be used on a variety of systems (including BSD 4.3, VMS, and UNICOS for starters). This system would have been written in C++, but not all of target platforms support that language. It was decided that the next best thing would be to write the system in C, using the same type of design as the X window system. One of my jobs is to write up the coding standards for the project, and I thought the easy way to do that would be to find a similar document for X. I want to know everything - from naming conventions for different types of variables, procedures and types, to the mechanics of creating methods, subclasses and initialization routines for the class (and anything else.) In short, I don't want to know how to program X, I want to know how X was *designed*. I've spent the last three days going through newsgroups, journal articles, and three libraries, so I have done my homework. I've come across loads of information on how to program X, but that's not what I need. Any and all pointers in the right direction are greatly appreciated. Reply directly to me, or to the group, whichever you think is appropriate. If there's interest, I'll post a summary of private responses. Scott Northrop, Applied Physics Lab Scott Northrop Disclaimer: You took what I said way too seriously.