[comp.windows.x] Stepping Stone Software

meo@stiatl.UUCP (Miles O'Neal) (06/24/89)

Does anybody have an email address for them?
I tried to call them with a question, but when
their phone went offhook there was just silence.

Has anybody out there used WidgetMaster? If so,
did you ever get a resource of type Widget to


dheller@cory.Berkeley.EDU (Dan Heller) (06/25/89)

In article <5259@stiatl.UUCP> meo@stiatl.UUCP (Miles O'Neal) writes:
> Does anybody have an email address for them?
I used to, but has long since lost it.  It's an address at stanford
(it appeared to be a class account).

> Has anybody out there used WidgetMaster? If so,
> did you ever get a resource of type Widget to
> work?

I got a copy of it way back in the beginning.  I got one upgrade
and then never heard from the guy again.  I had submitted numerous
patches both in the form of bug fixes and enhancments, but only
got a reply to the first (small) one.  Since then, I had given up
on WidgetMaster since there seemed to be better methods for creating
user interfaces on the fly.
Dan Heller	<island!argv@sun.com>