[comp.windows.x] Athena text widget problem

stung@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (07/06/89)

The following is a program that does not display the scroll bar of a text
widget properly. When running the program the X Toolkit gives this warning
  No type converter registered for 'String' to 'Orientation' conversion.
However, if I use XtDefaultAppContext in stead of creating my own context
the program runs properly. 
  Do I miss somthing? 
  Thanks in advance for any help!!

Sho-Huan Tung (stung@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu)
Department of Computer Science
Indiana University

/* Includes for X Toolkits */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <X11/AsciiText.h>
#include <X11/Text.h>
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
#include <X11/Shell.h>

#define MAXCHAR 60  /* This number need to be divideable by 2 and 3 */

char text_buf[MAXCHAR] = "> " ;

int create_text_widget(w)
int w;
    int n;
    Arg Xargs[10];
    Widget text_widget1;

    n = 0 ;
    XtSetArg(Xargs[n], XtNeditType, (XtArgVal) XttextEdit) ; n++;

    XtSetArg(Xargs[n], XtNlength, (XtArgVal)MAXCHAR) ; n++;
    XtSetArg(Xargs[n], XtNstring, text_buf); n++;
    XtSetArg(Xargs[n], XtNinsertPosition, 2); n++;
    text_widget1 = XtCreateManagedWidget("", asciiStringWidgetClass, 
			(Widget)w, Xargs, n);
    n = 0;
    XtSetArg(Xargs[n], XtNtextOptions, (XtArgVal)scrollVertical) ; n++; 
printf("before XtSetValue\n");
    XtSetValues(text_widget1, Xargs, n);
printf("after XtSetValue\n");
    return (int)text_widget1;

void main(argc, argv)
    unsigned int argc;
    char **argv;
    Widget toplevel;
    XtAppContext SDefaultAppContext;
    Display *SDefaultDisplay;
    XEvent event;

    SDefaultAppContext = XtCreateApplicationContext();
 * If I change SDefaultAppContext to NULL in the following call, and replace
 * SDefalutAppContext in XtAppNextEvent with _XtDefaultAppContext(),
 * then the scroll bar display properly.
    SDefaultDisplay = XtOpenDisplay(SDefaultAppContext, NULL, NULL, "Test1",
				  NULL, 0, &argc, argv);
/* need to make sure that SDefaultDisplay is not NULL */
    toplevel = XtAppCreateShell(NULL, 
				"Test1", applicationShellWidgetClass,
       			        SDefaultDisplay, NULL, 0);
    for (;;) {
      XtAppNextEvent(SDefaultAppContext, &event);

dcr0@GTE.COM (David Robbins) (07/06/89)

From article <33500010@iuvax>, by stung@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu:
> The following is a program that does not display the scroll bar of a text
> widget properly. When running the program the X Toolkit gives this warning
> message:
>   No type converter registered for 'String' to 'Orientation' conversion.
> However, if I use XtDefaultAppContext in stead of creating my own context
> the program runs properly. 
>   Do I miss somthing? 
>   Thanks in advance for any help!!

I've encountered exactly the same problem, and it seems that the only solution
is to do as the above poster did:  use XtDefaultAppContext.

The problem is due to the fact that resource converters exist in a specific
application context.  When a resource conversion is needed, the Toolkit looks
for the required coverter in the application context associated with the widget
whose resource value needs conversion.  When a new resource converter is
registered, it is in one specific application context.

BUT ... a number of the Athena widgets register their own resource
converters when the class is initialized (i.e. when ClassInitialize or its
equivalent is called).  These converters are always registered in the
default application context (i.e. that returned by _XtDefaultAppContext()),
and there is no way visible to my eye that they can be registered in any
other context.

This is all well and good when your application has but a single application
context, and then only if it has implicitly or explicitly used the default
context.  But -- if your application decides to create its own context,
which would seem to be entirely appropriate to a programmer reading the
X Toolkit Intrinsics manual, those resource converters registered by the
widgets are no longer available to your application, because they are still
in the default context, which your application is not using.

How do you solve this problem?

1)	If your application requires only a single context, make sure that you
   use the default context, which you can get by calling
   _XtDefaultAppContext() (which is, of course, intended strictly for
   internal use by the Toolkit).

2)	If your application requires more than one context, you are out of luck
   unless you care to write the code to copy resource converters from the
   default context to each of the other contexts.

The X Toolkit Intrinsics seem to make absolutely no provision for registering
resource conversions in a way that avoids this problem.  Clearly, it may
actually make sense to have converters available in one context that are not
available in another context -- that is presumably why they are associated
with the application context rather than being global.  But just as clearly,
every context that uses a given widget set ought to have available the
converters needed by that widget set, and there appears to be absolutely
no mechanism by which that result can be achieved.

Conclusion: If I understand the situation correctly, it never makes sense
for me to define my own application context if I ever expect to use the
resource conversions supplied by the Athena widgets, and I can never, ever
make use of multiple application contexts in one application.

Query: Is my understanding of this problem correct?  Or have I missed an
essential point that would show that resource converters can in fact be
made accessible in all application contexts?

Query: Would it not make a terrific amount of sense for application contexts
to have a trivial way to share resource converters?  Like maybe having
something like nested contexts, where a context inherits all the converters
defined in its ancestors?

Dave Robbins                    GTE Laboratories Incorporated
drobbins@gte.com                40 Sylvan Rd.
...!harvard!bunny!drobbins      Waltham, MA 02254

kit@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Chris D. Peterson) (07/06/89)

[ stung@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu writes: ]

> The following is a program that does not display the scroll bar of a text
> widget properly. When running the program the X Toolkit gives this warning
> message:

You need to apply public patch #9.

						Chris D. Peterson     
						MIT X Consortium 

Net:	 kit@expo.lcs.mit.edu
Phone:   (617) 253 - 9608	
Address: MIT - Room NE43-213

J.Crowcroft@ucl-cs.UUCP (07/12/89)

From: Jon Crowcroft <J.Crowcroft@uk.ac.ucl.cs>

with respect to the new text widget spec - can  it include a callback
for text events please? it's useful to be notified of text input for a
variety of reasons (none the least is the possibility of having one
source with several sinks...handy for multiple views onto some

