DEG41560@UA1VM.BITNET (Rob Smith) (07/12/89)
Hi, We just got PC-xsight. What I would like is for a user at the PC to be able to start the xsight program, and immediatly get the login verification window from xdm, and proceed wiht a login. Is this possible? I tried just adding pchostname:0 to the Xservers file, but this seems to have done nothing. All advice appreciated. Thanks, Rob.
djg@pyrnova (Don Giberson) (07/14/89)
In article <8907121656.AA03105@ATHENA.MIT.EDU> DEG41560@UA1VM.BITNET (Rob Smith) writes: >Hi, > We just got PC-xsight. What I would like is for a user at the PC to be >able to start the xsight program, and immediatly get the login verification >window from xdm, and proceed wiht a login. Is this possible? I tried just >adding pchostname:0 to the Xservers file, but this seems to have done >nothing. All advice appreciated. you need to kill -HUP <pid of xdm daemon> after changing the Xservers file, otherwise xdm daemon doesn't know that you changed the file, & that it should look for a new server. i *believe* that this will also restart xdm at active terminals, so you may have some unhappy campers if you do this. you probably have to be root to do this, too. our sysadm told me how to determine the <pid of xdm daemon>, but i forget just now! it's the "oldest" xdm displayed by ps -aux | grep xdm and will probably have the most cpu time. if this is disinformation, surely someone on the net will correct it! hope this helps. Don Giberson / Pyramid Technology Corp / / 415-965-7200 x2031 <or> ...!{allegra,decwrl,hplabs,munnari,sun,uunet,utai}!pyramid!djg Standard disclaimer, etc. etc.