swoodhead@SUN.COM (Simon Woodhead) (07/12/89)
Please reply direct to Bob Smart at the address below, or to the comp.windows.x newsgroup / xpert mailing list. ----- Begin Included Message ----- From acsnet@sunaus Sat Jul 8 11:56:43 1989 Path: sunaus!metro!basser!munnari.oz.au!murtoa.cs.mu.oz.au!ditmela!smart Newsgroups: comp.windows.x Subject: DECwindows and X11R3 Reply-To: ditmela!smart (Robert Smart) Organization: CSIRO, Division of Information Technology, Australia Lines: 11 I am new to X-windows. Sorry if this has been gone over recently. When I get an X11R3 client to display on my DECwindows (ultrix 3.0) VAXstation I often get little messages like this (at the client when the program is starting up): Xlib: sequence lost (0x1001a > 0x1b) in reply type 0x13! Is it trying to tell me something? The programs seem to work apart from that, but I haven't tried many. Bob Smart <smart%ditmelb.oz.au@uunet.uu.net> or <uunet!munnari!ditmelb!smart> ----- End Included Message -----
klee@gilroy.pa.dec.com (Ken Lee) (07/13/89)
In article <8907112335.AA05254@sunaus.sun.oz>, swoodhead@SUN.COM (Simon Woodhead) writes: > I am new to X-windows. Sorry if this has been gone over recently. > When I get an X11R3 client to display on my DECwindows (ultrix 3.0) > VAXstation I often get little messages like this (at the client when > the program is starting up): > > Xlib: sequence lost (0x1001a > 0x1b) in reply type 0x13! > > Is it trying to tell me something? The programs seem to work apart from that Can you be a little more specific, please. Which release of DECwindows are you using? Which machine? Which clients give you that message? Does it happen all the time? Did you build the client with the X11R3 Xlib or the DECwindows Xlib? There was a bug in UWS2.0 and in X11R2 that gave that error message. This bug was fixed in UWS2.2 and X11R3. Try building with one of those Xlib's to see if your problem goes away. Ken Lee DEC Western Software Laboratory, Palo Alto, Calif. Internet: klee@decwrl.dec.com uucp: uunet!decwrl!klee
reed@m.cs.uiuc.edu (07/13/89)
We've experienced the same problem on our VS 3200 running Ultrix V 3.0 (Rev 64) and UWS 2.0. Programs fired up on a Sun 3/60 with Sun OS 4.0.1 (compiled under X11R3) will generate the "Xlib sequence lost" messages and often hang the DECWindows server. The only solution seems to be to rlogin to the 3200 and kill some processes. Dan Reed Dept of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign reed@oboe.cs.uiuc.edu
larry@ticker.dec.com (Lawrence J. Timmins) (07/19/89)
You can get the upgrade to Ultrix Workstation Software 2.1 (Ultrix 3.1) for your VAXstation (that goes for anyone with Ultrix DECstations as well). Please ask your Digital sales rep for information on getting the upgrade tape. It took less than forty minutes for the entire update on my DECstation 3100, including a reboot. This should take care of any Xlib warning/notifier messages that you get. The new release is completely built on X11R3 Xlib, Server, and Intrinsics. Due to the extensive quality control, etc. that goes on in DECwindows Engineering, timing of what MIT provides in "as is" condition and what Digital offers as its product differ. I believe Ultrix Workstation Software 2.0 (Ultrix 3.0) was released with X11R3 Xt Intrinsics, but X11R2 servers and libraries. This only affected some R3 Xlib programs. Those applications that were toolkit-based shouldn't have had any problem. As Xlib across the X11 releases is more or less consistent, that is why your programs still runs. Most developers use the User Interface Language and Compiler for application development (for initial user interface, all "states" of the user interface, and dynamic configuration of the user interface during runtime using the Fetch mechanism in DRM. UIL will also offered in Motif and DRM will be renamed to MRM or something similiar). I believe the intent was to provide the X User Interface (XUI) toolkit (the development environment/libraries that is a part of DECwindows and which Motif is primarily based on) on X11R3 as soon as possible, given Digital's Ultrix Engineering's schedule for product releases. I think that you will find UWS 2.1 (Ultrix 3.1) an excellent product and with greatly enhanced performance. All the X11R3 libraries (such as Xmu.h and Xmh.a) are also included to my knowledge. Early reports show that the messages you mentioned should go away. ***** ***** These comments are my *own* opinion and provided for clarification to the best of ***** my understanding. These statements do not necessarily express the direct opinion ***** of my employer, Digital Equipment Corporation. ***** Larry Timmins, Sr Trading System Architect Financial Resource Center/New York Software Services 2 Penn Plaza, 6th Floor, NY NY 10121 "DECwindows -- Home of the best quality/engineered implemenation of X11 available" ljt
rbj@DSYS.NCSL.NIST.GOV (Root Boy Jim) (07/20/89)
? From: shlump.dec.com!riscy.dec.com!ticker.dec.com!larry@decwrl.dec.com (Lawrence J. Timmins) ? Organization: DEC Solutions Integration Center ? Larry Timmins, Sr Trading System Architect ? Financial Resource Center/New York Software Services ? 2 Penn Plaza, 6th Floor, NY NY 10121 ? "DECwindows -- Home of the best quality/engineered implemenation of X11 available" Thanks for the commercial. Now, how about formatting your message so they don't extend past 80 columns? ? ljt Root Boy Jim Have GNU, Will Travel.
sfreed@tesla.unm.edu (Steve Freed) (07/21/89)
rbj@DSYS.NCSL.NIST.GOV (Root Boy Jim) writes: >? From: shlump.dec.com!riscy.dec.com!ticker.dec.com!larry@decwrl.dec.com (Lawrence J. Timmins) >? "DECwindows -- Home of the best quality/engineered implemenation of X11 available" >Thanks for the commercial. >Now, how about formatting your message so they don't extend past 80 columns? And why don't you follow the standard for the prefix to lines in the original article? Lines with a mixture of prefixes like ? : orig-> <> } ] #- etc. are very difficult to comprehend. Let's all use the standard folks! (And hack inews if it is the 50% rule that bothers you.) -- Thanks, Steve. **---------This is the opinion of no one except the Editorial staff--------** ** Steve Freed ** ** The Editor ** ** sfreed@charon.unm.edu **