zador-anthony@CS.YALE.EDU (anthony zador) (07/27/89)
I may be able to get an old Sun3 very cheaply--about the cost of an Xterminal. I am thinking of using one as an Xterminal at home, with a telebit T1000 modem, or if necessary buying a faster modem. Does anyone have any ideas how i might do this, or what i might need? I was thinking perhaps a small local disk might be imporant, for some unix. How big? Somehow Xterminals seem to limp along with no local disk. I was also thinking it might be very nice to use somehow the special communications protocol that apparently gives the Graphon Xterminal acceptable performance over 9600 baud lines. Might this be possible? What determines the communication protocol? Any and all comments would be helpful. I will summarize and post to network if there is some interest (and response). Tony Zador