[comp.windows.x] X hardware

thor@stout.ucar.edu (Rich Neitzel) (07/29/89)

There has been much discussion in this group about X terminals.
However, I am more interested in hardware that "plugs" into my
existing system. In particular I am interested in hardware based
servers for VMEbus systems. What out there? How about answering
the following questions:

	1> VMEbus form factor - 6/9u and # of cards
	2> Release level of X supported.
	3> OSs supported - Are drivers binary only or is source
	4> Number of bit planes (8,12,24...). Can sets of planes be 
		manipulated independently?
	5> Speed.
	6> Price.
			Richard Neitzel
			National Center For Atmospheric Research
			Box 3000
			Boulder, CO 80307-3000


    	Torren med sitt skjegg		Thor with the beard
    	lokkar borni under sole-vegg	calls the children to the sunny wall
    	Gjo'i med sitt shinn		Gjo with the pelts
    	jagar borni inn.		chases the children in.
