[comp.windows.x] Help wanted with X11 R3 on IBM-Rt

malik@IC.BERKELEY.EDU (Abdul A. Malik) (08/08/89)

I recently installed X11 R3 on IBM-Rt running AOS 4.3. The server
generated by the standard release dumped core with segmentation fault.
I replaced "server/ddx/ibm" in the standard release by
"ibm-rt.r3-fixes.tar.Z" form /X/contrib.R3" on uunet.uu.net.
I will appreciate any help I can get about the following problems
I have been having.

1. When the server starts it prints error message
	"vgaProbe: Can not open /dev/vga".
   However I am only using mpel, not a vga. I tried did try to fix the problem
   by "MAKEDEV displays" in /dev as root but the problem did not go away.

2. Xibm comes up with a black background. I can not change it with
   "xsetroot -grey" or "xsetroot -bitmap <bitmapfile>".

3. The cursor disappears when in windows open by some programs. I understand
   that at least one such program uses a bitmap for the cursor.