[comp.windows.x] Macintosh X11 server recap

alan@APPLE.COM (Alan Mimms) (08/11/89)

In attempt to respond to a request on this mailgroup for information
about Macinotsh-based X11 servers, I got a mail bounce.  So...

Since also people have been asking right along for information, I'll
assume that at least a few people will not have seen the info I
published around Xhibition '89 time.  Here's the scoop.  If you have
additional questions, please email them to me.

Originally To: cs.ucla.edu!mujica@locus.ucla.edu

Apple is creating a product called MacX to be shipping by the end of this
calendar year.  I've got a little blurb that I send out to people who ask
questions like yours -- if you have specific questions, send 'em to me
and I'll respond as soon as possible.

MacX runs on MacPlus or newer machines with >= 1MB of memory (2MB is HIGHLY
recommended).  It supports color on machines that support color quickdraw.
It can be used with MacTCP (Apple's TCP/IP) via pretty much any Ethernet
adapter (Apple's EtherTalk board, for example) or via the LocalTalk twisted
pair network connection through a Kinetics or other DDP<->IP gateway.

It will ship with >1MB of fonts (not all are required), so a floppy-based
system probably would be a little cramped.  A hard disk is HIGHLY recommended.

MacX will run on Apple's system software version 6.0.2 or later.  It will
run with MacVM on hardware on which that is supported when system software
version 7.0 ships sometime late this year.

MacX will be available in Q4 of 1989 via computer store shelves priced at
$299 in single quantities or from Apple Licensing (for site licenses).

Hope this helps.
