(Doyle Davidson) (08/11/89)
I know you guys at the X Consortium aren't real fond about talking about
release 4 but I would like to get a best answer to the following question:
How well would the R3 ddx code drop into the R4 release?
(in other words can we, as server implementors, expect minial effort
to upgrade our ddx to R4 or will it be some great effort?
Case in point, did mfb and cfb code change much?)
A) It should be easy :-)
B) everything changed :-(
C) can't really answer yet :-|
D) no comment :-P
E) Other: ________________________________________
Doyle C. Davidson |
Intergraph Corp. | These comments are...
Workstation Graphics Standards |
1 Madison Industrial Park |
Huntsville, AL 35806 |
(205) 772-2000 | X-clusively my own.
..!uunet!ingr!b11!doyled!doyle |
rws@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (08/11/89)
How well would the R3 ddx code drop into the R4 release? It won't. A fair number of things have changed to reduce memory consumption and improve performance and robustness. (We have what I think are fairly impressive numbers, but we won't try to impress you yet. :-) Details about what has changed are rather unlikely to be available to the public until R4 is actually out.