tims@teklds.CAE.TEK.COM (Tim Stoehr) (08/12/89)
I need to make a window via XCreateSimpleWindow() that is as large as will fit on the display. I am currently using DisplayWidth() and DisplayHeight() to gather the screen size. However, passing these numbers to XCreateSimpleWindow() causes part of the window to bulge off the screen, since the width and height passed to XCreateSimpleWindow() only account for the inner drawable part of the window. The question is, how can I accurately account for the border width in X and Y dimemsions. I can't find anything that let's me know how thick the borders and title bar of a window are going to be. ---------- Tim Stoehr tims@teklds.CAE.TEK.COM
JONESD@kcgl1.eng.ohio-state.edu (David Jones) (08/12/89)
I'd try using XQueryTree() to get the ID of the parent window and then get it's dimensions. Depending upon how your window manager works, you may have to go up more that 1 level to get to the proper window. David L. Jones | Phone: (614) 292-6929 Ohio State Unviversity | Internet: 1971 Neil Ave. Rm. 406 | jonesd@kcgl1.eng.ohio-state.edu Columbus, OH 43210 | jones-d@eng.ohio-state.edu Disclaimer: A repudiation of a claim.